Nagano-Is it necessary for a man or woman to have a cancer in order that a nation could suspend a socio-political foe and behave to be prayerful for the sick? Cancer-sticken Tita Cory is a personality anyway. She deserves a prayer like all of us aside from those who are sick. Right?
I was reflecting since yesterday after I went to a government hospital for my fourth check up for my larynx and vocal cord. I assumed that it should be my sinusitis and rhinitis perhaps that caused the damaged of my voice they used to describe as bedroom voice. But the tv-advertisement of an advance medical-technology having a tiny camera on the tip of a a very thin and floppy cord that can be inserted inside man's nostril to his throat and larynx was factually fascinating. They can see what is inside your throat directly!
In all my 4 check-ups, doctors used that kind of camera and even projected it once on a wide screen for me to see what is inside my throat. One doctor made a printed copy of the picture of my vocal cord in various angles for a record and further study. It looks like a piece of a chicken meat (ehe!). But the doctor pointed on the tip on the whitish part of my vocal cord. There is a small bean-size polyp that have grown on that tip of the vocal cord causing the breaking of the voice that comes out from there when I speak out. ( A broken guitar?)
When I reflected, I started singing few lines of Julie Andrew's song: "I am but a small voice....! I am but a small dream....the fragrance of the flower.... in an unpolluted air....!"
Small voice, broken voice!
The doctors said, "The polyp should be taken out! We strongly recommend a surgery!"
Cancer develops from benign polyp! It takes around seven years for a full-blown cancer before it pulls you out from this earth.
I recall those early years and time I had some birthday preparations for the celebration in the Philippines. My father would sacrifice one chicken from his poultry for a birhtday celebration. And one has to hold the wings and the legs of the chicken while one holds the head and the knife to hit the neck of the chicken. One , two or three strikes on the neck "gulgul" and blood comes out, put on a saucer and offered it on the altar. My mother would even dip her finger to the chicken's blood and put a blood-sign of the cross on the celebrant's forehead. The chicken is on the stage to become a "tinolang manok with malunggay" if not a fried chicken as a main dish for the birthday celebration!
It may be the same picture if the doctor will make a cut on my neck and disect inside to take out the polyp from my vocal cord!
Perhaps, the chicken were clapping to hear that statement of my doctor and cheers with the song, "pwet, pwet pwet!" if not the scream of the laying hen, "pot pot putaaaaaka! pot pot putakkkka!!!!" Chicken flies with its banner, "karma" or "tabla".
When the doctor asked me when will I be available for the surgery, I replied with a question, " Doctor, how many days whould I need to be in the hospital for the surgery?" The doctor answered me, " You have to check-in for three days before the surgery and after 10 days you can go home" the doctor said.
I choose my August 15-day vacation to be my surgical schedule in order not to sabotage my little earning during my working days. Althoug my contract is still to be renewed by April, God-willing, as It assume that I still have a job this coming months in order to save something for my surgery and hospitalization while my eldest will go to high school and my first daughter will enter elementary school this April nto to mention the 3 others (I have blessedfully multiplied five kids only).
If I am a political figure, maybe it will be a happy time for me since my oppositionists will pray for me too like what they are doing for Tita Cory now!
I am just a small voice! I am just a small dream!
I will light a small candle every night until Agust 1 before I go for a check-in to the hospital for my surgery .
I'm sorry Ms. Hen, Mr. Rooster! I will never cut your neck again. But pls allow me to eat more fried chicken next time!
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