The struggle of Cain and Abel that is reflected in the scene of Jacob and Esau is seen always in our present day life.
Good that history has one that tells on how Jacob won over his twin brother Esau. It's a good lesson for all to win like Jacob by humbling down with a spirit of reconciling for the sake of harmony and their lineage.
As JdV in his finale or valedictory address in the House, he was sounding like he knows that he better humble down. His striking words against GMA declares his going down from speakership since he knows it is a numbers' game.
But few days after his ouster, Another bombshell from a certain Lozada makes the palace people soundful like defensive as they question Lozada's credibility. Lozada's testimony linking the Arroyo man and Abalos to the scam connects it back to the Comelec and Palace in the presidential election and the the payment of "credit inside" after it.
I can feel now that there are planners talking now on how, when, who in their next strike for people's moral revolution thru power.
Politics, money, sensation, greed and materials are all objects of man's temporary happiness.
I dont dream of my palace or embassy. I dont dream of savings. I dream of the happiness of a simple surviving man against position, authority, power and relative sensations.
God bless Philippines.
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