Monday, February 18, 2008

Vilbar's in Tagum City hosted parents and students seminar

Tagum City is one of the cities in Davao where economy is fast blooming. In like manner, the providence there is trying to catch up the trend. Thanks to the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Peddy & Myriam Vilbar. For the second time by now, the Vilbar couple organized and hosted a 1-day seminar their monthly DP seminar as a follow-up and continous learning program for the parents and students. As consistency, it is needed for the spiritual development that this activity for the educational program shall continue.

Last February 10, 2008 the Tagum chapter gathered and organized 23 guest (parents and students) to attend a 1-day Divine Principle seminar. The lecture contents lectured were: The Principles of Creation and the Fall of Man from ICF lecture manual. In addition, the lectures on Family Tree and Blessing was shared. There were four families who attended with their children who are also students. These families were neighbors of Mr. Vilbar in their village.

There were students too who were invited by the student-core members from the different university and colleges in Tagum City.
This is a domino effect on the first seminar that was conducted last month and one by one families who were invited before tried to encourage also other families as well as with the students this time.
Morever, a pastor from a Christian Church also attended, to hope that it may be the start of inter-religious activity in the area, since the pastor could see negative but was satisfied from the lectures as some other religious leaders in their respective congregation were saying. He also confirm his willingness to study deeper about True Parents' thought and messages.
The seminar in Tagum City will continue every 2nd Sunday of the month as a continuous learning educational program of students and parents. Parents who were invited in this program will be invited again to attend 4-day seminar during the summer time when they will have enough time and can request for a leave of absence from their respective jobs. For the students also, the seminar will be their preparation to attend higher seminars during the summer vacation.
In the seminar, the Holy Wine Ceremony where drinking of holy wine as a symbol of commitment of every couple and purity of life and fidelity to ones spouse was conducted. After it was explained to the parents and the couples who attended the seminar as well as to the single participants, they were excited praying that in the future their spouse will be true to their conjugal commitment and purity. The same ceremmony was also done in other areas in Davao and the participants felt and encouraged to really substantialized the lectures presented to them.
As a reflection on the activities, the result of the aimed goal can be felt if continuity is sustained as a part of a program and if each leader will take responsibility to always keep in touch with each guest-participant to encourage them again to proceed to higher learning of the Principle. As each blessed member is already empowered to organize his tribal activity, this will lead to more substantial restoration of the homeland and thus contribute to the restoration of the fatherland.
It is hoped that these will add more results for the coming Global Peace Festival 2008 by taking ownership and responsibility in each one's respective area.

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