This is getting ordinary to working fathers or moms. Perhaps, more to moms as she is bound to proceed to the kitchen after arriving back home to prepare meals for the family.
And if there are growing children in a family, more toys, notes, bags, dirty clothes to mention a few are scattered all around the rooms. Good if only one or two kids are around. But if five or more children are all energetic and aggressive and are still hard-headed to help in doing some house chores, the house becomes a battleground.
There are lots of works and chores that both husband and wife, fathers and mothers need to do as a team to have mental stability. Or else, anger can fire the first bomb inside the house-turned battleground. Less-patience and no good teamwork will fire the next. And war is declared with children crying seeking for comfort.
Bringing some office works at home is not so healthy for the whole family too. Perhaps rush works can be excused. But parenting time should be given to the entire family. How many times have you coached your child in his/her English or Math subjects? No excure please. These two are easy for English-speaking Filipinos. And Math has its own language which all parents know.
How many times have you done biking or playing with your son after you arrived home from a tiring work? A matter of 30-minute parenting with a child outside is good for both while you stretch for more your body before going to a shower and take your supper.
There are other exhaustive situations that affect one's mental stability. A teacher who teaches more after 3 hours straight is observed to have several mistakes or error in his/her input to the students and learners. Brain too gets tired. And the teacher needs a break after a maximum of 3 hours teaching to have mental rest and stability.
Decision-makers are advised to do their wise decision after they have a relaxed mind. Exhausted mind can interpret wrongly what one reads or see. Be careful readers and editors. Make sure you have a relaxed mind before you interpret, translate, edit or reply on what you read. When one is emotionaly disturbed, he is not in a healthy atmosphere to make a statement of decision, reply or conclusion.
Troubled and unhappy relationship disturbs a mind too. And his mental prowess is affected. This is common to conjugal partners. Hello dad and mom! Pls talk and sleep beside each other tonite to discover the solution of your problems. It is just between you both!
Discover it and have mental stability. It helps to make your day done.
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