Time comes when man shall have none, different from St. Francis when he gave up everything, his wealthy heirs from his rich parents, his studies his possessions including the clothes that wrapped his body and walked naked to the altar of his belief.
In terms of health there are those patients who were given their terminal calendar for a pause to end. There is always a lifespan. In terms of survival, there are those like the majority of the passengers of the ill-fated M/V Princess of the Stars who could not resist the forces of the strong winds and tidal waves but place themselves to the limits of survival.
In politics, there is also a limit to terms of services. In works, there is contract and expiration and/or there is retirement age.
In Calculus there is the maxima and minima where one can compute the maximum or the minimum limit of a variable/s. It is very good to apply it in engineering and technology to determine the maximum strength of a material in order to make sure of the safety of the contruction using that material/s for example.
But it does not always manifest for an end when you have none. If you got married but could not have a child, there is another legal and moral means to have a child where in having a child, you can find the time to express your parental love and caring.
If you have expired your contract before your retirement age, there is still a chance to find for a new job. If there is less-love between conjugal relationship, there is always a time to court and dine again your spouse even beyond marriage or conjugal war.
If there are no bags and books for a poor boy or girl to go to school, there are good hearts to knock for help and support. Having none is not an end. A plastic bag if not a net-bag can be an alternative. Recycling used notebooks was one of my parents' teachings to us before.
A bird can stretch for more with all its feather to contribute for a lifting initial jump of its fly. And beyond its yard, it reaches the altitude and place beyond its expectation to find his new home.
Man too needs to stretch for more to let all parts of his body, his skills and will to lift up and move forward and reach a set goal in his future.
I have just read that even cancer-stricken patients are now so hopeful to survive and stretch their limits beyond their due dates.
As I took my favorite bike to catch the late sunset after I arrived home yesterday, my 2nd son trailed me and we enjoyed the coolness of the sunset on its summer breeze. After several pedalling rounds, we smiled and have a tit-fo-tat talk. And I noticed my son chekcing his pocket with his coin purse. I asked him where he got those coins. He straightly answered me that vending machines elsewhere have several left coins from 1 yen to 100 yen. He does checking the vending machine whenever he passed-by to it. I told my self, "Sorry son! I just gave everything to your mom" when I got mine.
As I got no cp until now, and at the time when I got no internet still, I went to a house of a friend and asked a favor if I can check my inbox with his pc and send some messages to Philippines. I didn't close myself from the society which is new to me. I need to knock on doors.
To those who often meet their ends like me, it is resourcefullness and faith when we go transcendence. Let us stretch our wings!
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