On this third weekend of December, the mother of the family was out of the country attending ancentral ceremony in Cheongpyeong, Korea. The house needs to be a home without a mother.
As Saturday was the community's non-burnable garbage day, I asked my two sons to help me bring down those bogged down eletric fan, broken kitchen stuffs, and other destroyed materials. It was the start of our weekend-cleaning time without the mother. The great thing was, there were thrown out computer table and chair in the garbage house downstairs. It was a God-given gift. My sons have to help me in restoring some stuffs after we disposed those unusable stuffs. But one thing I also discover was, I need to reorganize my children's study room to make use of a space and place the restored computer table and chair. The desktop and printer-scanner are good for it. Hence, the weekend became a general cleaning and reorganzing days.
Saturday was for the study room. Things in there are needed to be cleaned up. The study tables, the electronic organ, the baseball stuffs of my two sons, the books and study materials of my eldest and the built-in cabinet whose door was stocked and needs a repair. All things in there got my whole day to reorganize it. It was also a good chance to do a laundry as it was a sunny day. Hence, two times of laundrying were good to fulfill.
But the sleeping room of the children are also too messy. It needs to be cleaned. The Sunday was good for it. The curtains too need to be washed and their bed covers. So many stuffs to clean and reorganize.
As the mother was away, I too have to do the send-and-fetch of my youngest to and from the kindergarten school. In the afternoon of fetching my daughter, we both proceeded to do a little market-shopping for the weekend.
Cooking dinner is a challenge too for five growing kids. All need to be satisfied anyway including myself.
But in the afternoon, dried landry too is another work to fold and keep. Hmmm. parenting is a lot of challenges.
Cleaning a carpet without a vaccum cleaner is also another challenge. Patience is a good key to fulfill it.
But so bad for my sinusitis and asthma to face all those dusts and works. I feel like I got no more air to breath. My salbutamol was my saviour.
Sunday is good for a hot-bath or ofuro for all. I have to let my two daughters be with me as I took the shower. Good for the 3 boys as they can do it by their own. Hmmmm.... so my daughter and I are all natural bodies in the ofuro. I recalled the days that those two daughters were just some cells from me and their mother. But they are growing now and enjoying with their father in the bathtub.
One that adds more to my day was when my daughter was crying as she could not tie her long hair after she made it dry. Gosh, I too have to be a good hairdoer today, an addendum for my weekend course.
The two boys have their baseball practice this afternoon. And their white uniforms are all good for another laundry again after their whole afternoon game.
That was good for them too.
But invitation of the kuminkan for my 3 elementary kids to join a Christmas party in their school was also good for them. They brought home some Christmas presents from gift-givers and each has a small box of cake. They were obvously happy for that.
Behold, my December is a mature one. Mine is work anywhere and see to it the kids are with their happiness to discover real essence of life not only on December but every day to their future.
December and parenting is a lot of fun.
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