I am pushed to write by some to give an academic insight on the three factors on authority, validity and reliability as there were issues coming out as seem like to be opinions where everyone has his right. However, there are those who claim that thei idea is the truth or a his/her vision to be taken if not suggested to be part of one's belief.
A couple of days ago, some tens of members of the Orthodox church in Russia were encaving themselves to a deep and big cave as they claim on their computation for the armageddon was March 27, 2008. They placed themselves to a risky place. Yesterday some 28 members of htat church went out from the cave for better shelter and normalcy in life. Was there an armageddon last March 27?
Miracles of at least three are required for a candidate to be a Catholic saint before he or she can be declared first as blessed and to the fulliest sainthood. And these miracles have to undergo a deep study on the validity, reliability and confirmation of the trueness of the claimed miracles by their devotees and followers.
In Philippines, the popularity of Jun Lozada was not due to his personality or achievement as a professional. He claimed to be true in his Senate-sworned statement on the alleged bribery NBN scam. The Senate is still ongoing on their investigation although the statement was already done. They are waiting for Sec. Neri to give his final statement too to correlate with the other statements of witnesses. They need more prime witnesses to justify and correlate to previous statements before they can consider it as the "truth". More justifications from atuhority is a must.
In a thesis study, a single or simple statement presented without justification from certain authority is a simple idea of the mere writer. It is his own idea that he may want to present as a concept to others. But it remains as idea if there are nothing presented as conceptual framework and related studies to support his own idea. And those finished related studies that support his own idea have undergone some series of testings that their previous idea conteptualized in a study became a theory. An idea can be conceptualized and be proved in a study either descriptive or experimental to test the validity and reliability on those new ideas presented.
Hence, from a simple idea, justified by authorities and experts, passing to a test of validity and a test of reliability will prove one's idea to be considered as a theory and further studies for a theory to be considered as universal principle. But this theory is recommended for a furhter study if this is also applicalbe to other areas and factors to consider like being culture-free and is siginificantly true in other places and respondents too.
A presented standardized test made by a teacher was asked to be checked separately by at least 5 scholars and experts on that particular field or course by an adviser. Why? The teacher's own made test may be one sided and may not have considered all topics in the course. All topics may have been given a questoin but furthermore, all questions in the test may be all easy or all difficult if not moderate.
Yesterday, the Supreme Court revealed that only 2 could pass in one of the several courses in the Bar exam if they remain strict to have the 50% minimum. Perhaps, the questions given on that area or course are mostly difficult questions. Easy, moderate and difficult questions should be given for those slow learners, moderate learners and fast learners respectively considering the normal distribution of the examinees. This is one reason why experts have to test the validity of the teacher-made standardized test.
The test of reliability is more in-depth that statistical measures are necessary for it. That is the reason why there are survey questionnaires that come out and respondents of it must not be from mere or one side or culture. Respondents must be from all walks of life involved in the particular study. The statistics of it will determine if the problem is significantly reliable or not. This needs at least 3-hour lecture to be clearly understood by many.
In like manner, any statement of position paper presented as truth of theory must be presented and willingly scutinized by experts for a test of its validity, and reliability besides of being supported and justified by authority. This is a standard practice in academe, in legal cases, medical cases and even in theology. Even biblical verses have to justify the evangelical sermons of the pastors in their churches. If there are quotations from authority that supports your own idea, present it and have more to a dozen of authority to justify your idea. Grill your study or idea to a set of critiques and experts in order to prove your idea as correlated to the truth.
The Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein even remains as a theory this time although it has been tested in most areas to qualify to be considered a universal principle.
As my insight, there is no problem if a claimed opinion is presented since we all have rights on opinions. But to present a position paper, or a prophesy received through dreams or whatever is a sensitive issue that must be subjected to testings too. If one is asking for the authority of one's claim, pls dont be hurt if asked for authority, validity and reliability to jsutify the claim. We all know we are all human (who have cut our communication from the Creator since the Fall) and have no direct authority to declare a "truth" or whatever.
Lastly, to remind ourselves, One recieved the Blessing from True Parents not because of his achievement or contribution as an elder member but because of True Parents who give the Blessing as gifts to man.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Reflection: Healthy Face, Healthy Food, Healthy Body!

Nagano-Is it necessary for a man or woman to have a cancer in order that a nation could suspend a socio-political foe and behave to be prayerful for the sick? Cancer-sticken Tita Cory is a personality anyway. She deserves a prayer like all of us aside from those who are sick. Right?
I was reflecting since yesterday after I went to a government hospital for my fourth check up for my larynx and vocal cord. I assumed that it should be my sinusitis and rhinitis perhaps that caused the damaged of my voice they used to describe as bedroom voice. But the tv-advertisement of an advance medical-technology having a tiny camera on the tip of a a very thin and floppy cord that can be inserted inside man's nostril to his throat and larynx was factually fascinating. They can see what is inside your throat directly!
In all my 4 check-ups, doctors used that kind of camera and even projected it once on a wide screen for me to see what is inside my throat. One doctor made a printed copy of the picture of my vocal cord in various angles for a record and further study. It looks like a piece of a chicken meat (ehe!). But the doctor pointed on the tip on the whitish part of my vocal cord. There is a small bean-size polyp that have grown on that tip of the vocal cord causing the breaking of the voice that comes out from there when I speak out. ( A broken guitar?)
When I reflected, I started singing few lines of Julie Andrew's song: "I am but a small voice....! I am but a small dream....the fragrance of the flower.... in an unpolluted air....!"
Small voice, broken voice!
The doctors said, "The polyp should be taken out! We strongly recommend a surgery!"
Cancer develops from benign polyp! It takes around seven years for a full-blown cancer before it pulls you out from this earth.
I recall those early years and time I had some birthday preparations for the celebration in the Philippines. My father would sacrifice one chicken from his poultry for a birhtday celebration. And one has to hold the wings and the legs of the chicken while one holds the head and the knife to hit the neck of the chicken. One , two or three strikes on the neck "gulgul" and blood comes out, put on a saucer and offered it on the altar. My mother would even dip her finger to the chicken's blood and put a blood-sign of the cross on the celebrant's forehead. The chicken is on the stage to become a "tinolang manok with malunggay" if not a fried chicken as a main dish for the birthday celebration!
It may be the same picture if the doctor will make a cut on my neck and disect inside to take out the polyp from my vocal cord!
Perhaps, the chicken were clapping to hear that statement of my doctor and cheers with the song, "pwet, pwet pwet!" if not the scream of the laying hen, "pot pot putaaaaaka! pot pot putakkkka!!!!" Chicken flies with its banner, "karma" or "tabla".
When the doctor asked me when will I be available for the surgery, I replied with a question, " Doctor, how many days whould I need to be in the hospital for the surgery?" The doctor answered me, " You have to check-in for three days before the surgery and after 10 days you can go home" the doctor said.
I choose my August 15-day vacation to be my surgical schedule in order not to sabotage my little earning during my working days. Althoug my contract is still to be renewed by April, God-willing, as It assume that I still have a job this coming months in order to save something for my surgery and hospitalization while my eldest will go to high school and my first daughter will enter elementary school this April nto to mention the 3 others (I have blessedfully multiplied five kids only).
If I am a political figure, maybe it will be a happy time for me since my oppositionists will pray for me too like what they are doing for Tita Cory now!
I am just a small voice! I am just a small dream!
I will light a small candle every night until Agust 1 before I go for a check-in to the hospital for my surgery .
I'm sorry Ms. Hen, Mr. Rooster! I will never cut your neck again. But pls allow me to eat more fried chicken next time!
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Teachers and children as one
Nagano- I got a mixed emotion last Saturday witnessing the graduation ceremony of the young children with my first daughter among the graduates. It was in Yanagimachi Hoykuen (day-care school) in Nagano City where my Pearl Joy Ricah finished and completed her early childhood education since 2004 when she came here in Japan.
When I heard the crying voice of the homeroom adviser calling the name of the graduating class during the ceremony, the silence and solemnity of the audience and programme became clear. Silence manifests respect, love, honor and bonding between the teachers and the graduating children and the parents as well.
A part of the program was the choir song of thanskgiving by the graduates. Later it was responded by the in-coming and next batch hoykuen children with sayonara rythm and song. The graduating class could not control their emotions but were crying infront of the younger kids and audience seeing their younger friends as their young brothers and sisters wishing them more for their shogakku (elementary) education. It was a moment of fraternal relations among the children in that school.

Eventually, when the ceremony was over, and the moment when the children marched for an exit but were met by their teachers at the aisle one-by-one and offered each of them a bouquet of flowers, the children were just naturally emotional to cry with thanks and gratitude to their teachers.

A part of the program was the choir song of thanskgiving by the graduates. Later it was responded by the in-coming and next batch hoykuen children with sayonara rythm and song. The graduating class could not control their emotions but were crying infront of the younger kids and audience seeing their younger friends as their young brothers and sisters wishing them more for their shogakku (elementary) education. It was a moment of fraternal relations among the children in that school.

Eventually, when the ceremony was over, and the moment when the children marched for an exit but were met by their teachers at the aisle one-by-one and offered each of them a bouquet of flowers, the children were just naturally emotional to cry with thanks and gratitude to their teachers.
They marched proceeding to their homeroom, and when I tried documenting the march, I personally noticed the tears of love and bonding among the young kids to their teachers.
I have to reflected more on it.
From 8:00 o'clock in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon, from Monday to Saturday, these kids are left by their parents in that hoykuen. Eventually, the parents could have their freedom to use their time for their work and employment. Teachers from that time start their day-caring and early childhood education to these young kids. There are those who are 2 and 2 and a half years old for toddlers, from 3 years old, for the nursery, and 4 years old, for kindergarten 1 and for 5 years old to six years old is the kindergarten 2 class respectively.
And the work could start from children's crying upon being left by the parents; the selfishness attitude of one against the other, fightings, screaming, toilet-calls for peeh or pooh, the bathing if not swimming, the clothing or changing of diapers, to classroom activities on teaching and singing songs, conversations, children's book-reading, counting, and others to their lunch time.
Teachers have to be mothers too to give nap time for the children after lunch singing lullaby and making their classroom as sleeping room with the small beddings left by the parents in the school. After nap time, they offer snacks to the kids, organize their playtime, or in-door activities like origami-time, blocks-organizing and the like.
Part of their major yearly program is to organize out-door activity like park-visiting and outdoor picnic, undukai or sports festival, happyokai or stage plays. My kids participated last year on these events. I was fortunate to see the sports festival and the stage plays where I was so proud on the performance of my first daughter who excel with great self-confidence in her role for their team. My youngest daughter was still young to perfect her role but it was a good beginning for her to have stage exposures at the age of 3 that time.
The swimming in their children's pool is also a challenging one as there is always a risk with the water and depth. The happyokai or stage play is a real legacy of ECE teachers to make their students be public entertainers infront of the exciting parents, grandparents and siblings of the kids. All these won't be forgotten by the young kids particularly their teachers, tutors, coaches and real friends in their young stage of development.
After I reflected on these, I really admire the crying children to have that nurtured heart to possess filial piety to their teachers at that young stage.
The crying teachers were also parental and loving to the young children whom they have been with in most of the time of their career and profession. They were socially one in that institution.
And graduation relatively separates them for further development in education. Although it is painful to separate, we can simply ignore that by recalling a quote, "no pain, no gain".
Omedito guzaimasu sensie!!!! Thank you too for being a nice parent to my child during those times!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Filipino UPF MFT team arrives Arizona
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Hyo Jin Moon: Eldest Son of Rev. & Mrs. Sun Myung Moon
Brief Biography
Hyo Jin Moon was born on December 3, 1962 (lunar calendar) as the first son of Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. He died of a heart attack on March 17th, 2008 in his birth country of Korea.
Mr. Hyo Jin Moon will always be remembered as passionate musician and multimedia visionary who deeply loves God and humanity.
He is survived by his loving wife, Yeon Ah Choi. He and his wife have five children together. Hyo Jin Moon also has five children from a previous marriage.
He earned a master's degree from the Unification Theological Seminary which was founded by Rev. and Mrs. Moon.
He served as Chairman of the Board for Manhattan Center Studios, a state-of-the- art multimedia facility in New York City where he also has served as president. His vision and leadership created the outstanding professional standard at Manhattan Center Studios which serves many famous musicians and televised events. He is also the founder of MC Korea and MC Japan.
Mr. Hyo Jin Moon worked for 10 years (1985-94) as the first president of the World Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (World CARP). During his presidency, one of the defining moments was the 4th World CARP Convention in Berlin. Hyo Jin Moon led 1,000 students on a memorable march to the Berlin Wall. As hundreds of outraged leftist students screamed, shouted and threw objects and paint bombs, the World CARP members gathered near Checkpoint Charlie where Hyo Jin Moon delivered a stirring speech, similar in spirit to one given by U.S. President Ronald Reagan "Come on Mr. Gorbachev," he said, "be the righteous man you claim to be and tear down this wall!"
Hyo Jin Moon was an inspirational musician, performer and producer. As vocalist and lead guitarist, he has produced over a dozen CD's and has created a catalog of more than 10,000 songs of his own composition. He continued to perform in live concert tours in Asia each spring up until his passing in 2008.
He leaves a strong legacy of having dedicated his public life to inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds to live passionately for the sake of others. His vision gave rise to media projects which contribute to create a positive influence on the culture especially for young people and families.
Article Source: http://www.trueloveking.net/index-102.html
Photo: Family Federation
Hyo Jin Moon was born on December 3, 1962 (lunar calendar) as the first son of Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. He died of a heart attack on March 17th, 2008 in his birth country of Korea.
Mr. Hyo Jin Moon will always be remembered as passionate musician and multimedia visionary who deeply loves God and humanity.
He is survived by his loving wife, Yeon Ah Choi. He and his wife have five children together. Hyo Jin Moon also has five children from a previous marriage.
He earned a master's degree from the Unification Theological Seminary which was founded by Rev. and Mrs. Moon.
He served as Chairman of the Board for Manhattan Center Studios, a state-of-the- art multimedia facility in New York City where he also has served as president. His vision and leadership created the outstanding professional standard at Manhattan Center Studios which serves many famous musicians and televised events. He is also the founder of MC Korea and MC Japan.
Mr. Hyo Jin Moon worked for 10 years (1985-94) as the first president of the World Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (World CARP). During his presidency, one of the defining moments was the 4th World CARP Convention in Berlin. Hyo Jin Moon led 1,000 students on a memorable march to the Berlin Wall. As hundreds of outraged leftist students screamed, shouted and threw objects and paint bombs, the World CARP members gathered near Checkpoint Charlie where Hyo Jin Moon delivered a stirring speech, similar in spirit to one given by U.S. President Ronald Reagan "Come on Mr. Gorbachev," he said, "be the righteous man you claim to be and tear down this wall!"
Hyo Jin Moon was an inspirational musician, performer and producer. As vocalist and lead guitarist, he has produced over a dozen CD's and has created a catalog of more than 10,000 songs of his own composition. He continued to perform in live concert tours in Asia each spring up until his passing in 2008.
He leaves a strong legacy of having dedicated his public life to inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds to live passionately for the sake of others. His vision gave rise to media projects which contribute to create a positive influence on the culture especially for young people and families.
Article Source: http://www.trueloveking.net/index-102.html
Photo: Family Federation
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Dr. Felipe B. Cachola: A Legacy and his journey to eternity

If not because of his aging and ailing body, PTARP wants to keep him in his leadership of PTARP. He is dearly loved and recognized in his way of managing and administering the organization. He joins the national steering committee of the Unification Movement Philippines and share his academic and management councils as his expertise to the group. He was also part and around with the Board of Trustees during the organization and structuring of the Sun Hwa Int'l Academy in its pioneering stage.
Moreover, he has served productively as university president, dean and educator in several state universities, colleges and institutions like Isabela State University in Isabela, Mariano Marcos State University in Ilocos Norte and Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University in La Union. He was also the well recognized Senior Consultant of the prestigious accrediting agency for chartered state universities and colleges in the Philippines called AACCUP.
As one of the first Ambassadors for Peace from the Philippines, he too has done his part not only to Philippines but also to the international arena not only by attending conferences but as one of the speakers who always caught the international audience with active and bright interactions.

He directly testify to teachers and professionals on the impact of the Divine Principle that changes his life and on how Rev. Sun Myung Moon worked, stand and accomplished his providential role as central figure and True Parents of humankind in this completed testament era.
In his twilight time, he still stood up and speak infront of the big gathering of the first IPEC Conference and PTARP Convention in Manila last August 2006 and share to the educators, professors, instructors and teachers together with Dr. Salvador of PTARP-PUP chapter and made IPEC truly an image of PTARP in the international scene.
UPF and UM Philippines together with the National Steering Committee, PTARP, WCARP Philippines and other affiliates of the movement, say we will be missing you Sir Ipe! Your great works and faithful sacrifices for the Philippine Providence is indeed your living testimony as you proudly claim to the public that you are a proud Moonie!!!
Maligayang paglalakbay po Peace Ambassador Dr. Felipe B. Cachola!!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Bishops, Lords or Doctors?
AS Iread from the editorials of today's national dailies, one caught my attenion and I caught:
"Drawing from the years I spent covering the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) as a staff writer of Cor Manila, the official publication of the Archdiocese of Manila in the late 1970s, I commented that “divisions” within the CBCP should not come as a surprise because, even at the height of martial law, the Philippine bishops had been a fractured lot, with some (a noisy minority) vehemently against the regime, while many remained supportive of Marcos and the entire martial law machinery.
Bishop Claver affirmed this, noting how the CBCP is but an assembly where bishops meet to share views and seek consensus, but ultimately, each bishop is free to act and enact policies based on his own appreciation of the discussions."
So leaders in CBCP are divided too.
There are many angles where in FFWPU Philippines, leaders set themselves. The national programs of FFWPU or WCARP are mostly in NCR and what are brought to the provinces by the "bishops" to their local provincial areas are different mode, standard in not the entirety. They are too liberal to exercise the programs and directions from national according to their local resources, capabiliies and understanding.
And I can see the history now evolving in them as well. Padre Damaso aside fro mthe Governor-general, is a common character in Rizal's book and he is a true Filipino character among today's leaders.
I just dont know if they prefer the Christian calling like Bishop or Archbishops. There is no father as priest in FFWPU but True Father.
moreover, leaders now prefer to be known and called publicly as Doctors. He could be Doctor of Tanay or Doctor of NCR instead of Regional Director of NCR.
There were more or less 14 doctors intalled few years ago by the Aglipayan church and all of them were FFWPU leaders in the Philippines. What for?
Church leaders. From FFWPU or IIFWP, Doctor Damaso!?! Doctor Jimz from the Archdiocese of Tanay!?!
Many names, many adjectives!!!! Many standards!!!???
"Drawing from the years I spent covering the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) as a staff writer of Cor Manila, the official publication of the Archdiocese of Manila in the late 1970s, I commented that “divisions” within the CBCP should not come as a surprise because, even at the height of martial law, the Philippine bishops had been a fractured lot, with some (a noisy minority) vehemently against the regime, while many remained supportive of Marcos and the entire martial law machinery.
Bishop Claver affirmed this, noting how the CBCP is but an assembly where bishops meet to share views and seek consensus, but ultimately, each bishop is free to act and enact policies based on his own appreciation of the discussions."
So leaders in CBCP are divided too.
There are many angles where in FFWPU Philippines, leaders set themselves. The national programs of FFWPU or WCARP are mostly in NCR and what are brought to the provinces by the "bishops" to their local provincial areas are different mode, standard in not the entirety. They are too liberal to exercise the programs and directions from national according to their local resources, capabiliies and understanding.
And I can see the history now evolving in them as well. Padre Damaso aside fro mthe Governor-general, is a common character in Rizal's book and he is a true Filipino character among today's leaders.
I just dont know if they prefer the Christian calling like Bishop or Archbishops. There is no father as priest in FFWPU but True Father.
moreover, leaders now prefer to be known and called publicly as Doctors. He could be Doctor of Tanay or Doctor of NCR instead of Regional Director of NCR.
There were more or less 14 doctors intalled few years ago by the Aglipayan church and all of them were FFWPU leaders in the Philippines. What for?
Church leaders. From FFWPU or IIFWP, Doctor Damaso!?! Doctor Jimz from the Archdiocese of Tanay!?!
Many names, many adjectives!!!! Many standards!!!???
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Kapuso: Papang Medring

Nagano- Today is my father's 77th birth anniversary. Ten years ago, he died after his first and last heart attacked.
Papang Medrano Sr. was an agriculture teacher. He served the Florendo Banana Plantation during his bachelor's time. But after he could sense the Spanish way of management towards the workaholic laborers, he shifted his carreer to teaching per se.
Born in Bauang, La Union, Papang inherited a big responsibility to push his clan towards civilization as he was the only professional in his carreer among his siblings. He had presided family meetings to settle disputes on land, tribal relationships and other family and social norm-related issues in his family.
He got married in Davao and since then stayed there for good, leaving his siblings and parents and grandparents in La Union. He got 7 kids, 6 boys and a girl. Among the boys are two identical twins. Guess who? The family picture here was taken 1969. I was in grade 1 at the time.
Papang made to finish his MATEA or Master of Arts degree in Teaching Elementary Agriculture. I remembered that as we were still in elementary, he too struggled a lot to study during Saturdays. During summer time, he asked permission form his principal to allow him plow the agriculture area in the school. He would ask his kids to go with him and do the farming works, on cleaning from the grasses, to digging the plots, after he and his carabao would plow the area. After some soil preparation, he would teach us to plant the corn seeds if not the sorghom seeds. From March to June, this farming is good until harvest.
I did enjoy riding the carabao after plowing and bring it to its pasture field for its grass-eating. I rode and brought the carabao to the river as well for its water-drinking. I remember that during sunny days, I could not control the carabao that when it could see the flowing river water, it would run and have its swimming down to the river. Above the carabao, I got no choice but to also enjoy the river and swim too.
Papang was a strict father. But he has a dream for all his children to really finish their studies as it was his only legacy for all of them to finish college courses.
Today, as I walk to school, I joyfully sang a birthday song for papang. I hope Mamang is fine as she host papang's birthday celebration this time in a simple way. I chat to my eldest brother and channeled to him my birthday greetings for papang.
Papang, wherever you are, peace and eternal life with the Creator! Happy birthday Papang!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Snow hotel wanna try it?

Igloo is an anchor word for the letter I. This is common in english classes. But to have a snow-built hotel, is more than an igloo where you can crawl and pass from one cave-in door and exit to another opening in a hilly snow.
This snow hotel is rare yet, it is now real. Some "snowman" designer made it and their creativity is broad to have a hotel made of snow. I just dont know who will like to check in and stay inside. Canadian? or men fro mMiddle east?
But there are more creativity made out from snow. Sculpture is one field where they make more crafts from snow.
I saw one mother making an ice cream made from milk, sugar, some flavoring and clean snow. She just shake it inside a ware and presto! it's ice cream!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Pagbabalik tanaw (reflection): Maliliit na bagay

As if I want to look on small things in terms of their values and importance.
And what are these small things?
As I look to the newly posted pictures of my nephew, he was on his white nursing uniform but was with his friends taking their lunch. I noticed the lunch was wrap by the common banana leaves making the rice even aromatic to its nice mold when wrap. Japanese use nori to wrap a small molded rice too.
What makes me reflecting out from that was my elementary time when I do harvest nice banana leaves in the afternoon, and try to preserve it with a smoke-process we call "halob". Several stalk of banana leaves and after the smoke-processing, we wiped it and pack it to a certain number of sheets. Then we bring it to the fish market vendors and sell these as their fish wrappers for their fish-buying customers.
It was not only the commercial value I want to refresh from. The days , the early days of resourcefulness are nice thing to recall. How I wish to have banana fields and farm here too. Pinas is unique, full of resources. But resourcefulness of the Filipinos now seemed to be down as they rely more or depend by now from others.
As my 2 girls showed their paper dolls the other day, recycling of paper makes some nice crafts and these kids doing it are also given a nice oppurtunity. It is all used paper but the value of it when program to a certain objective makes a great thing.
Perhaps, when I do the morning 40-minute walk, there can be just so good to value too. As I pass by some olds or meet walking unknown persons, I try to smile and greet them. That can be a small thing, but I think there is something in it when those guys start thinking who was that one greeting them. The walk is not just to save my bus fare too. I think it also give something more to my physical body as my daily exercise. I hope the towellete and hanky I put on my back and chest respectively before I wear my t-shirt helped my sweat unwet my shirt as I go direct to my daily work. I just remove the two before starting my office works.
When I arrived at the apartment, I used to change my clothes at the wash room. In there, I could notice the bulk of dirty clothes for laundry. Before I get out from the wash room, I made the first house-duty to do the laundry just after I have changed to my house-clothes. I think, my wife should just be happy too on that. I cant see her giving value to it, but I know it helps all of us in that apartment.
When I go to my pc, I post mails, news, sharing, and others I can consider educational for many. I dont get any reply or feedback from most. They may just be readers. I think it has given them too a little thing to know if not to contemplate further for the day.
A little reflection for little things I value.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Doll day in Japan
Nagano- It was dinner time when I noticed that the two younger kids Ricah and Julie were not on their chairs. And only at that time that I saw them they were pulling a bag from each other to get some crafts they have inside.
To my surprise they were competing to be the first one to grab and pull their own craft to present to us their dolls they crafted in their kindergarten school.
Julie the youngest, was crying not to have her own first. But Ricah was careful to took her twin dolls to show it to us during our dinner time.
Japanese have a special day for the dolls, cultured on their Japanese kimono images for both man or woman, boy or girl.
The kids used cartolina, and some color paper to craft the doll-body. For the head, they used a flesh painted cartolina molded as a head and drawn with a face. They put some threads and ribbon for the hair. The younger Julie used a paper cup for the body. A drawn head was cut and pasted to the upside down paper-cup to structure the doll figure.
At that young age, the arts and craftsmanship of the Japanese kids are given a nice chance to develop. I could see that the crying and struggle of the 2 girls to show their own work is already a sign that they claim to have reached something they are proud of, a level of artwork.
Congratulations to this nice culture of Japan.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
WCARP Philippines launches Adopt-a-Park Project

The launching program was participated approximately by more than a thousand NSTP-CWTS Students from different Universities along Metro Manila: Technological University of the Philippines-Manila (300), University of the East – Manila (200), Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology (200), Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Main Campus (200), Philippine Women’s University (100), Adamson University (100) and 100 from other colleges and Universities including the BKKB volunteers. The opening program started from 7:30 am and shortly ended with the dispersal of areas of responsibility on the project at 8:00 am. A quick but commemorative and inspiring message from the beloved Manila Mayor Alfredo S. Lim stated that the launching of this program is an attachment of a park-project for the youth and the people. “Park is the place for enjoyment…we need to preserve it!” the mayor said during the formal opening this project. This is a project designed not just to become a grade-basis for the students who attended but as a challenge for them to release the power and aspiration to work through more than the expectations. He also added, “you should be concern on what’s going on in the country…manindigan kayo.” Mayor Lim wants to emphasize the important role of the youth especially the college students for the future of our nation and how it will be progressed economically and politically.
The sppech of the mayor was followed by the prayer led by Ms. Judith Manuel from UE-Manila. Then, the Manila City Band for the Philippine National Anthem and Ms. Mary Angel Alastre for the Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas. It was formally opened through the Opening Remarks given by Mr. Manuel Perez, the coordinator for NSTP under DPRB in reading the City Mayor’s Official message for the launching of this project. It was followed by Dr. Florida Labuguen, the President of PSNEI for the announcement of the participated institutions. She is extending her warmest gratitude also to the principal sponsor, the City of Manila and victory cheers on launching this program. Dr. Labuguen while motivating the participants said, “today, is just the beginning of the venture for the ultimate success of this program.”
Engr. Deogracias Manimbo also gave a message stating the camaraderie of the youth and the government towards progress of our country in general and for the city in particular. “The success of this project will realize my vision (for the City of Manila) to be a world-class tourist attraction, an environmentally vibrant”. He also added, “may we inspire the youth to aspire for good.” Then for the Closing Remarks, Dr. Aldrin L. Nituma – the World CARP Phils. President touches the heart of the college students and strongly express the importance of ownership towards the vision of the service project. The participants put hands together and harmoniously sang “If We Hold on Together” led by Annalou Bagusara, student from UE-Manila. The areas of designated for the participants "to adopt" were formally announced through the initiative of Dr. Labuguen. Here are follows: TUP-Manila and some BKKB Volunteers – Ninoy Aquino Monument (along Bonifacio Drive) UE-Manila – Arroceros Villegas Park EARIST – Plaza Lawton PUP-Manila – Leyte and Bataan Mini-Park and Playground along Bacood, Sta. Mesa PWU – Paraiso ng Batang Maynila AdU and other participating schools including the rest of BKKB Volunteers – Plaza Dilao and Rajah Sulayman Park along Baywalk.
The sppech of the mayor was followed by the prayer led by Ms. Judith Manuel from UE-Manila. Then, the Manila City Band for the Philippine National Anthem and Ms. Mary Angel Alastre for the Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas. It was formally opened through the Opening Remarks given by Mr. Manuel Perez, the coordinator for NSTP under DPRB in reading the City Mayor’s Official message for the launching of this project. It was followed by Dr. Florida Labuguen, the President of PSNEI for the announcement of the participated institutions. She is extending her warmest gratitude also to the principal sponsor, the City of Manila and victory cheers on launching this program. Dr. Labuguen while motivating the participants said, “today, is just the beginning of the venture for the ultimate success of this program.”
Engr. Deogracias Manimbo also gave a message stating the camaraderie of the youth and the government towards progress of our country in general and for the city in particular. “The success of this project will realize my vision (for the City of Manila) to be a world-class tourist attraction, an environmentally vibrant”. He also added, “may we inspire the youth to aspire for good.” Then for the Closing Remarks, Dr. Aldrin L. Nituma – the World CARP Phils. President touches the heart of the college students and strongly express the importance of ownership towards the vision of the service project. The participants put hands together and harmoniously sang “If We Hold on Together” led by Annalou Bagusara, student from UE-Manila. The areas of designated for the participants "to adopt" were formally announced through the initiative of Dr. Labuguen. Here are follows: TUP-Manila and some BKKB Volunteers – Ninoy Aquino Monument (along Bonifacio Drive) UE-Manila – Arroceros Villegas Park EARIST – Plaza Lawton PUP-Manila – Leyte and Bataan Mini-Park and Playground along Bacood, Sta. Mesa PWU – Paraiso ng Batang Maynila AdU and other participating schools including the rest of BKKB Volunteers – Plaza Dilao and Rajah Sulayman Park along Baywalk.
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