The other day, many called it Earth Day. There were those who clean the coastal areas. There were those who wear lettuce as their bikinis to campaign on being vegetarian ( and perhaps being less in moral as the way they campaign), and others just let the day pass. These can be done not only once a year as mere celebration of Earth day.
Last Saturday and Sunday, I tried to plant on the restored pots I picked from the thrown-outs. I tried arranging the veranda with pots although I cant call it landscaping. The rose is now budding for its spring flower-season as I planted that more than a year ago. The tulips are also budding with its flowers, the ornamentals are greening with their new leaves. The blue-berry too is sprouting with its new leaves. The two seedlings of pine trees given to us last autumn during the "matsuri" which I planted is slowly but growing. I found the weekend somehow accented with my being with the nature. How I wish to have a plot to plant for more and make a garden nearby.
Japan schools introduce pot-gardening to their students. Tomatoes, eggplant, okra and the like are planted on the pots and once well-taken with the proper fertile soil and watering, it is nice to see the potted plants naturally decored with their fruits-vegetables. As I only have few seeds of squash, I also tried planting last weekend on a big pot the squash seed not a pumpkin for halloween but the yellow vegetable good for the eyes. I hope it will survive.
I spent not a single cent on these plants, pots and soil. The water used to wash the rice before it is set for cooking is also one I used to water the plants. The empty egg shells are crushed and used to also be used as additional organic fertilizer. What else?
As having no property in this foreign land I have a limited way but I hope the Earth remains in everyone's heart to be a part of our natural responsibility for care, love, maintenance, development and survival.
Let us have planting as a hobby during weekend!
Happy Earth-saving!!!!
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