Indeed, one can notice that there are several social and legal cases now seen along this cyberspace superhighway. Spams in the emailing, porn in the websites, blind date Internet cafe's where young high school and college students are caught on their sexual promiscuity after contacting their unknown partner thru Internet.
Even small things in chatting and replying to emails can be checked where you can psychologically detect the attitude of the online user/s. If one suddenly walks-out from an important chat, it wil give you a floating situation on what was the status of the person asking yourself, if he is sleepless, tired, stress, sick, aging, angry, mad or just simply busy to catch other equally important work.
Truth to tell, I have less time to correct the spelling of my text-ed messages to my chat-mate. I leave it to them to understand that I am aging if not stress, or doubling if not tripling to catch my busy works while replying to the person/s. Sometimes, the grammar too is left unedited in the chat or informal emails. But professionalism too is important not only for the VIP's or professional counterparts, but for the perfection and first blessing of the concern person himself.
I often notice that my "the" becomes "teh" and the "and" becomes "adn". It shows that my left fingers really move faster than my right fingers as "h" is in the right side of the keyboard. What would that reflect?
It reflects that I am a left-handed. And that is true (only in writing and typing, huh).
To receive and read emails from these avalanche of stuffs particularly from e-groups is becoming a time-consuming work. There is management on that by filtering the emails or setting your e-group membership to digest-type (see my today's posting in e-groups too I got from about.com.
But not to reply or answer on email is a different story. On e-groups, interaction is the way of answering since you know that you register to a group. It is but a part of your intention to join to interact to the group as well. If you leave it to the time why you have not participated in the interaction, the time never abandon you but it remains 24 hours a day ever since. It is a matter of time management in team participation and your ethical way of answering to personal emails too. One line may do to express your ethical way of acknowledging receipt of the letter from the sender.
Choice and writing of words are important too. Sometimes, one does not reply because he is afraid of his words or grammar. What does it reflect? Perfection? Imperfection?
Intellect is not the center of a person. So long as your language is understood, your reply or response makes a give-and-take relationship in terms of communication. There is language even without a single word. Show or send him one picture and it gives him a clear story of the event or person or whatever.
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