Saw is for solid wood and not for saw-dust.
Analogically, history is a saw-dust coming from events and facts that happen in the past. And you cannot change history like sawing a saw-dust. But it is good and educational to learn lessons from history, from the past. Just don't saw but do something from bi-products.
Products are like achieved goal of a program or project like pinoeering a center. We used to do the pioneering in late 1970's and early 1980's. The newly educated persons we witnessed and later became fulltime-members are our products. Well, there were FR items too that we make. Peanut brittle candies was the main product before but were called items. members are often called fruits if not product by the pioneers.
Spiritual children are also products. Members who joined from your pioneered center are products too if not bi-products. But they are human beings. They are not material things.
Taft Center was the first center that our team pioneered in Manila. It was only Cubao Center that was existing before in the entire Metro Manila until 1981. Taft Center was opened after weeks of fundraising last summer of 1981. With me were Albert, Esther, Delia who were products of Davao Center, and later joined by Faith a product of Cebu. After some days, our designated leader Mr. Y. Murotani arrived and joined us.
PCU, PWU and DLSU were the nearby campuses where we do witnessing. Cathy, Lyra, Arlene were the first fruits.
Taft Center is still existing til now, though they have transferred to another house-apartment- center which are usually rented by the fulltimers and leader until now.
Bohol Center was my second pioneered center late of 1981 after the 1st Int'l 40-day WS. I was the lone brother in our pioneering team of three. Sisters Lydia and Tessie were with me. Bohol was a unique center though productive center. It was where I have grown-up and met a crucial point in my missionary life. Narding, a "taong-kalye and pasaway" (burglar and stand-by) was our first fruit in there. He was a " sudden-change" person after hearing ony the first lecture on the Principle of Creation. Aside from Narding, Joy, Dolor, Jun, Edgar, Dada, Coying were only a few of our dozens of early fruits in Bohol. And all of them became fulltimers and served HQ and active members until now. After their Blessing, most of them joined their spouse in their respective places. I grow and experienced many things in Bohol including, peanut brittle and hopia-making with Narding, complete DP lecturing, 7-day complete fasting; several dialogue with parents, school officials, policemen, radio newsmen, priests because of the big bloom in Bohol Providence which also created persecution from other sectors. Bohol center and I survived as I stayed there for more than 4 years.
After Bohol, I was assigned to pioneer Student Homes for CARP Philippines in 1986 (?). I was assigned to pioneer Student Home in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. It was here that I brought out from Manila the first WHD now Tong Il Moo Do chapter to Dumaguete. Bal, Fredie, Laila B. Joelimar and Jelly were few of the many members from there. But there was already the HSA-UWC center in there prior to that. Nita E. was one of their first products.
BKKB came out as a social arm of CARP that time. Gerry S was a good planner being the CARP Natl Director the time.
In 1988 blessing three of my sp products were blessed together with those who were closer to HQ and updates. I was up on a mountain resort in Cebu giving 7-day seminar-lectures the time. Information didnt reach me about blessing. And leaders dont have good access in communication since. And church leaders dont recommend those they were not close with but just based it from their own evaluation if not judgment. ( to be con't.)
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