Married life is not an advantage. It is a responsibility. If you are a responsible person, you wont just look on marriage as an avenue to have intimate and sexual relationship with a spouse. There is economics and social responsibility in marriage, a lot of psychological testing in marriage, spiritual-cleansing, a heavy and advance personality development course in marriage to mention a few.
To some, compatibility as well as compromise and sacrifices are necessary in marriage. And others argue that once the compatibility is high the lesser is the sacrifice. Hmmm....
Singles who opted to sex and pleasure maybe are driven by their fears and less commitment to responsibilities in life. They still have to discover what their life is for, what lineage is for and its importance and the maturity to feel and experience parentism with its pains and gains, ups and downs and sweet and sour.
I think I have more or less foundation to parenthood in terms of house chores as my parents have trained me to stand by myself since my high school life. My wife is lucky on that as I can do the house chores that mothers should do. But I cant concieve my own child to make five. My cells are useless when there is no ovary to keep the egg that my cell would fertilize, hence, a wife.
Although there is no divorce i n the Philippines, cases on polygamy is present. In Japan, divorce is accepted legally. And many are citing to reasons on compatibility, culture and others as grounds for divorce. Physical attack and embattled wife are also major grounds. But these are choices among the couples if they happen not to get the right person or failed to be the proper person for his/her spouse.
PMC's or previously married couples, are those couples who were already married before they hear and later opted to recieve the Blessing from True Parents through Their representatives or central figure. But this time, there are singles who now opted to be married first and apply as PMC to receive the Blessing. There are reasons why they opted to. But to consider them as PMC is a little different from the first PMC's. Nevertheless, they are given the Blessing too.
Blessing is a sacred one. As there is matching prior to blessing, a complete surrender from self-choice to a God-given partner in life is a sacrament and sacrifice. There can be check- and- balance on physical and medical status of both prior to matching, but this is not completely the so called compatibilitiy. A so-called changing to the true lineage is the apex in the Blessing where the couple could breed their children as heirs of the Original Being. There maybe or may not be compatibility, or compromise between the couple but the future of creating a God-centered lineage and soon, the parentism as a responsiblity as well as another dimension of love- and life is a part of the Blessing. This is an in-depth essence of blessing beyond marriage and married life.
As I take the magnitude of silence for my Friday-reflection, I hope to end a struggling week while I dangle off the cliff to the nakedness of parentism.
And Happy Mother's day to all mothers including the gender-free parents/mothers as well.
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