Thursday, January 10, 2008

Conceptual Framework

I. Introduction
Educational programs are set to address the needs of the community. Schools Institutions are mandated to have their consultancy to check among the parents, the employers, the individuals as well as the teacehrs and the academicians on what curriculuar programs and offerings would fit the needs of the pople.

To look into the variety of people, it is known that Miyazaki has fine accomodations of gai-jin and is engaged to city-sisterhood with the international community.

There are several foriegners in the city. There are dozens of Filipinos as well. And how do Japanese people communicate and attend to the presence of this international community? As a noted nationalist country, Nihonggo is the keen language of the people which has the limitaiton to address the international community.

This sounds to be a problem now to be undertaken.

According to the statistics of Filipino population for Miyzaki Prefecture, there are 493 over all and for Miyazaki City only, there only 95 Filipinos (

Moreover, currently the Miyazaki International Foundation has programs of cultural exchange for USA, China and Korea. They are conducting language lessons on these 3 countries. But the program is so limited to address only three out of the many itnernational communities in the country. How about other international communities like the Filipinos?

Unfortunately, the International Exchange Office of Miyazaki Prefecture does not have a list of registered Filipino Community Association for Miyazaki Pref. They only have the Japan-Philippines Friendship Association of Miyazaki Prefecture. The office is based in Miyakonojo City. There is no claer program on their exchanges as well.

As an educational institution, it is but right to address a language program to a university based here in Miyazaki.

If there is an English Language Program, the proposal is Pilipino as Second Language Program in the University of Miyazaki.


Input Moderating Variables Output

The Proposal

Title : Pilipino as a Second Language

Description :

General Objectives :

Specific Objectives :

Program of the Proposal

a. Children's Elementary Program I

b. Adult's Elementary Program II

c. Advance Program III

Courses offered in the Program/s

CEP Pilipino 101 - Unang Hakbang Pambata
AEP Pilipino 101b- Unang Hakbang Pang-adult
AP Pilipino 103 - Panitikan
AP Pilipino 104- Balarila

to be cont.

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