Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Doctolero's host Tubao, La Union Medical Service and Blessing Ceremony
USec Dominguez hosts Baguio Prayer Meeting
Baguio- In February 23, 2008 the newly widowed Undersecretary Josephine Dominguez hosted a prayer meeting in their house in Baguio City. The prayer meeting is intended for the eternal rest with the Creator of the late Congressman and Peace Ambassador Victor Dominguez who died few weeks ago. The prayer meeting was led by the UPF and FFWPU-Northwest Regional Director Mrs. Dulce Buyayo together with some members and family friends of the host. Later on Rep. Cynthia Villar, wife of the Senate President Many Villar came and joined them.
After the prayer meeting, USec. Dominguez introduced Mrs. Buyayo and her group to Rep. Villar who also recognized the UPF whom her husband Senator Villar will serve as chairman of their Global Peace Festival or GPF 2008.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Nature Power and Power's nature
I was weakened by the eventual absence of news and contributors in the Family Times website yesterday making me write a letter to the leaders on their action on the status of the website. I got no power to do the editing, lay-outing, re-writing or even the basic data-gathering for news writing as I am based far from the lupang hinirang. I dont know any other reason why local, reagional and national leaders could not send their cntribution for their website. I suggested to the leaders that since they dont use their website, nor value it by posting their activities and reports in there, better close the website since it is not them who pay the fees for the domain/provider of the website. I think there is a moral authority on my suggestion as I do the work in there alone and also look for resources for the payments.
However, that feeling was on weakness and not strenght or power.
Do leaders really have the power? Do they have moral authority to govern an institution or the government? The power and authority should have a moral foundation in order to providentially work for the will of the Maker. But for leaders who could not reveal the truth nor evangelize on the providential status of the land would be cloudy to the eyes of the many. Vague and corrupt communication, motivated projects that just give colors like unnatural flowers for the merit of the ogranizers fooled the nature of power.
Beauty in nature manifests power. Calamity like typhoon is not the only power in nature. Natural growth and development too that collaborates with the many plants, animals and environment has power. The arrangement, system in farming also shows power. The seasonal crafting by the farmers also shows power.
The system of communication, reporting, sharing not only to immediate supervisor or leader but to the subordinates, the associates, the people, the public is also a color of this moral power.
Absence of such weakens not one but many.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Maraming Salamat po sa inyong taos-pusong pagtulong!

After the email initiated and sent by Sister Lyra Teves-Kim to some egroups, some kind-hearted brothers and sisters who I also considered as real friends shared a help for my Manong Boy (Medrano Jr.) in Davao.
I would like to express my sincerest thanks to those who in one-way or another shared a help even on the midst of limitations. To the following:
a. Juan Santillan Family
b. Escleto Family
I would like to express my sincerest thanks to those who in one-way or another shared a help even on the midst of limitations. To the following:
a. Juan Santillan Family
b. Escleto Family
c. Jun Paeste Family,
d. Olgado Family
e. Villamor Family
f. Joson Family
g. Magana Family
h. Sr. Cathy Quebral
i. Wilma Nacorda- Kondo
j. Nora Lala Magpantay-Hasegawa
k. Ethel Hayakawa
l. Ernie Lina
m. Adelmo Villareal & Family
The prayers of the many, the emails of thoughtfull and concern friends (Lyra, Reuben, Ethel, John, Leon, Froilan and Heidi, Dolor, Liza, Tess, Wilma, Vangie, Nora and all others I can't mention here, became a Spiritual Team giving moral support, strength, energy and power, going along with the Medical Team in rescuing my brother. He is now in a month-long recovery before his angiogram and by-pass surgeries can be done.
To all of you my brothers and sisters and real friends, and the good spirits who helped my family find a rare way, maraming salamat sa kabutihan at tulong nyo! God bless you all!
In behalf of Manong Boy (Medrano Jr.) and his melted family because of your love,
Allan and Chiemi Cadano and Family
Cebu Center Renovation on-going
Half part of the land area was already filled-up with “anapog” or filling materials.This project was accomplished through the efforts of some brothers and sisters, who work hard those who are in Japan who truly give their finanacial and moral support for the development of Cebu Center.
The partial progress of our Center can also be seen in the pictures below.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Image and Nature

When I first started to know what is kanji, a sensie explained that the chinese character or kanji was based from some graphic image. I remember that the kanji of shimbun or newspaper was looking like an opened tabloid; mori or forest was a group of three trees to cite a few.
The picture at the left is a rotten or decaying trunk of a dead tree that banished by time and age. Nature and not man made its shape. And you can compare it to a real one which is seen in its front.
Is it a coincidence? Or does nature have a hidden talent like man?
I remember the passage, "God created man in His own image and likeness!" This explains an angle to me about this picture.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The following business plan outline is presented to assist business people and students in developing written business descriptions and continual status reviews. If you answer the given questions, and include the sections as outlined,you will be well on your way to a useful and presentable written plan.
I. BUSINESS PLAN - OVERVIEW The purpose of a written business plan is twofold:
A. It is the preferred mode of communication between those businesses that need capital and those that have capital.
B. It can be a useful Management Tool
The procedure forces logic and discipline into the business
The plan establishes concrete objectives and goals, with general parameters to guide the organizatio
It provides a basis for communicating the company's message · Internally to owners · Internally to employees · Externally to investors, advisors, or customers
A well written business plan is dynamic and is:
C. An art as well as a science
D. A map of where the company is currently situated, where it plans to go , and the most effective method of reaching the stated destination.
E. Updated - This is a "Living" document
II. KEY INITIAL QUESTIONS Why are you writing the business plan? Who will be the primary reader of the plan? What is the readers' expectation? Who will have to agree to the objectives and goals of the plan? What do the key people in the project want to be when they grow up? What is the industry "system" your entity will be operating within and can you draw a picture of this industry system? What past experience does the management team posses that indicates the future plans will succeed? How will you separate your plan/entity from any others in the industry? Why are your ideas or products/services unique? How will you protect your ideas? What are the strengths of the management team individually and as a group? What are the weaknesses? If you are planning to create a 10 million dollar product/service, has anyone on your team had any past experience in taking any concept from 0 to 10 million dollars? What are you willing to give up to attract investors? How will the investors be protected? How will you be protected from investors?
Once you have answered these basic questions, preparing an outline, or a feasibility study, or an abbreviated plan is the next step, depending on your specific needs. All three of these options provide a quick planning overview with the major opportunities and obstacles identified. It is important at each stage of planning process to stop and review the entire project to see if it is still feasible. It is easy to lose sight of the "forest" due to the concentration on individual "trees".
III. CREATE AN OUTLINE, FEASIBILITY STUDY, OR ABBREVIATED PLAN Most people start with the Market Analysis and the Financial Analysis to have a qualitative and quantitative foundation.
Purpose of the Plan State the primary vision for the plan/entity and include a mission statement if possible.
Key PersonnelMost investors look at the management team for its expertise in a given business or market. Who are key personnel in your company and what unique or special prior success and skills do they bring to the team? Do you have marketing, sales, financial, technical and strategic management skills on the team?
Market Analysis - Characteristics, ScopeWhat has caused the market for your products or services to exist? How big is the market in $ sales, population, units consumed, etc.? What are the key barriers to entry into the market? What are the important industry trends? What are the important variables in the industry distribution system?
Market and Sales StrategyWhat specific practices will you employ in competing within your business' market? What is your comparative advantage? Will you offer more services for a premium price or fewer services for a lower price? How will your potential customers learn about your product?When will the sale actually occur - who will conduct the sale?
Products or Services OfferedDescribe your company's products in terms of what the customer buys - not necessarily what you produce. For example: "My business provides access subscriptions to the Internet" - not, "My business connects computers to the Internet".
Financial DataInclude highlights of your financial data. Start with a simple monthly cash flow projection for the next 24-36 months of cash collected and spent. Any serious investor will want to know what to expect in return for any financial contribution to the company. Highlight the expectation in the summary.
IV. ORGANIZATION OF A FULL WRITTEN PLAN Expand on your outline, feasibility plan, or abbreviated plan from the last section. A narrative of 15-20 pages should be the maximum if you want busy people to read the body of the plan.
A. Table of Contents
B. Executive Summary - 2-3 Pages The Executive Summary should be prepared at the completion of the body of the plan. Gather information for each of the following elements throughout the planning process.Many professionals assign certain parts of the plan to respective department leaders. However, one person should coordinate all of the information and then prepare the Executive Summary. That single coordinator provides style continuity and acts as the "glue" that keeps the plan together.
C. Background If the company is very new, background descriptions can include information about the industry, the key personnel, or the unique strength of the newly formed venture.
Company Description - past and present
Distinctive Skills, Uniqueness, Protection
D. Market Analysis A complete review and analysis of the market conditions, behavior, and trends is an essential part of a good marketing plan. Many new companies have indications about market conditions,but very little evidence to support the intuition. Evidence to support each of the following sections is the key to a thorough market analysis.
Industry Description, Scope and TrendsTarget or priority market trends, segment, niche, size, etc. Is this industry in the early growth or the late mature phase.
Major Customer ProfileList the most important potential and current customers. Characterize the profile by age, education, income, or by corporate profile.
Problems, Obstacles and OpportunitiesDon't gloss over obstacles in the business plan. Present them in their proper perspective. Make sure that legal and liability issues are clearly defined.
Market Research - General and SpecificInclude recent findings and important data as well as interpretation of this information. Use census data, surveys, trade associations, etc. If you are unfamiliar with the industry, talk to experts to establish benchmarks for further research.
Competition - Strengths and WeaknessesPresent your competition from the perspective of the customer. What strength does the marketplace view the competition as having?
E. Market Strategy A good market strategy is dynamic and your plan should include contingencies for change. Include the following in your strategy.
Specific growth strategy for at least 3-5 years
Distribution system
Advertising - Institutional and Product Specific
Specific Sales Strategies - personnel, compensation, sales calls, closing ratios, average sales/communications
Predominant Sales Techniques. Describe the methods your company will use in its sales strategies. Will you be telemarketing, making direct sales presentations, using a distributor or sales agent, etc.?
F. Product and/or Services - Specific Include a description of what jobs or problems your product or service eliminates for the customer. Pictures and illustrations are helpful.
Benefits - Customer Needs SatisfiedShow evidence of the need as well as the satisfaction.
Present Stage - Idea, Prototype, Small Sales, etc.If your product is not market ready, show steps necessary to take it from its current status.
Life CycleHow long will your product or service be suitable for the market?
Intellectual Property - Patents, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Trademarks, etc.Any properties owned or in application should be included. Describe the unique marketability of the intellectual property for the business.
G. Operations Operational plans should describe how the product or service will be produced. If unique abilities are a key part of the product - their production should be described in detail here.
Key Personnel - allocation of their resources, major strengths
Production and/or service delivery - capacity techniques, cost factors, logistics, quality control, economies of scale.
Supplies needed
Legal Structure
Stockholders, Board of Directors
Organization Chart
Future Human Resource Requirements
H. Financial - 5-10 pages, including assumptions The financial description of the plan should present a fiscal picture of the market strategy and operational plans. Include complete assumptions for every category. Effective assumption should not be your own opinion unless you are a recognized expert.
Funding Requirements - amount, type, term, etc.
Use of Funds
Pay-out to investors - timing, return on investment, exit strategy for investors
Past and Present Financials - 3 years · Cash flow · Profit and Loss Statement · Balance Sheet
Future Projections - 3 years · Cash flow, 1st and 2nd years should be monthly · P&L · Balance Sheet
Explanation and documentation or source of assumptions in projections
I. Appendices - usually 20-30 additional pages maximum Use the appendices for the following extra information, making reference to them in the body of the plan.
Key Managers Resumes
Professional Reference (Letters of recommendation)
Published information
Contracts and Agreements
Media, Articles
I. BUSINESS PLAN - OVERVIEW The purpose of a written business plan is twofold:
A. It is the preferred mode of communication between those businesses that need capital and those that have capital.
B. It can be a useful Management Tool
The procedure forces logic and discipline into the business
The plan establishes concrete objectives and goals, with general parameters to guide the organizatio
It provides a basis for communicating the company's message · Internally to owners · Internally to employees · Externally to investors, advisors, or customers
A well written business plan is dynamic and is:
C. An art as well as a science
D. A map of where the company is currently situated, where it plans to go , and the most effective method of reaching the stated destination.
E. Updated - This is a "Living" document
II. KEY INITIAL QUESTIONS Why are you writing the business plan? Who will be the primary reader of the plan? What is the readers' expectation? Who will have to agree to the objectives and goals of the plan? What do the key people in the project want to be when they grow up? What is the industry "system" your entity will be operating within and can you draw a picture of this industry system? What past experience does the management team posses that indicates the future plans will succeed? How will you separate your plan/entity from any others in the industry? Why are your ideas or products/services unique? How will you protect your ideas? What are the strengths of the management team individually and as a group? What are the weaknesses? If you are planning to create a 10 million dollar product/service, has anyone on your team had any past experience in taking any concept from 0 to 10 million dollars? What are you willing to give up to attract investors? How will the investors be protected? How will you be protected from investors?
Once you have answered these basic questions, preparing an outline, or a feasibility study, or an abbreviated plan is the next step, depending on your specific needs. All three of these options provide a quick planning overview with the major opportunities and obstacles identified. It is important at each stage of planning process to stop and review the entire project to see if it is still feasible. It is easy to lose sight of the "forest" due to the concentration on individual "trees".
III. CREATE AN OUTLINE, FEASIBILITY STUDY, OR ABBREVIATED PLAN Most people start with the Market Analysis and the Financial Analysis to have a qualitative and quantitative foundation.
Purpose of the Plan State the primary vision for the plan/entity and include a mission statement if possible.
Key PersonnelMost investors look at the management team for its expertise in a given business or market. Who are key personnel in your company and what unique or special prior success and skills do they bring to the team? Do you have marketing, sales, financial, technical and strategic management skills on the team?
Market Analysis - Characteristics, ScopeWhat has caused the market for your products or services to exist? How big is the market in $ sales, population, units consumed, etc.? What are the key barriers to entry into the market? What are the important industry trends? What are the important variables in the industry distribution system?
Market and Sales StrategyWhat specific practices will you employ in competing within your business' market? What is your comparative advantage? Will you offer more services for a premium price or fewer services for a lower price? How will your potential customers learn about your product?When will the sale actually occur - who will conduct the sale?
Products or Services OfferedDescribe your company's products in terms of what the customer buys - not necessarily what you produce. For example: "My business provides access subscriptions to the Internet" - not, "My business connects computers to the Internet".
Financial DataInclude highlights of your financial data. Start with a simple monthly cash flow projection for the next 24-36 months of cash collected and spent. Any serious investor will want to know what to expect in return for any financial contribution to the company. Highlight the expectation in the summary.
IV. ORGANIZATION OF A FULL WRITTEN PLAN Expand on your outline, feasibility plan, or abbreviated plan from the last section. A narrative of 15-20 pages should be the maximum if you want busy people to read the body of the plan.
A. Table of Contents
B. Executive Summary - 2-3 Pages The Executive Summary should be prepared at the completion of the body of the plan. Gather information for each of the following elements throughout the planning process.Many professionals assign certain parts of the plan to respective department leaders. However, one person should coordinate all of the information and then prepare the Executive Summary. That single coordinator provides style continuity and acts as the "glue" that keeps the plan together.
C. Background If the company is very new, background descriptions can include information about the industry, the key personnel, or the unique strength of the newly formed venture.
Company Description - past and present
Distinctive Skills, Uniqueness, Protection
D. Market Analysis A complete review and analysis of the market conditions, behavior, and trends is an essential part of a good marketing plan. Many new companies have indications about market conditions,but very little evidence to support the intuition. Evidence to support each of the following sections is the key to a thorough market analysis.
Industry Description, Scope and TrendsTarget or priority market trends, segment, niche, size, etc. Is this industry in the early growth or the late mature phase.
Major Customer ProfileList the most important potential and current customers. Characterize the profile by age, education, income, or by corporate profile.
Problems, Obstacles and OpportunitiesDon't gloss over obstacles in the business plan. Present them in their proper perspective. Make sure that legal and liability issues are clearly defined.
Market Research - General and SpecificInclude recent findings and important data as well as interpretation of this information. Use census data, surveys, trade associations, etc. If you are unfamiliar with the industry, talk to experts to establish benchmarks for further research.
Competition - Strengths and WeaknessesPresent your competition from the perspective of the customer. What strength does the marketplace view the competition as having?
E. Market Strategy A good market strategy is dynamic and your plan should include contingencies for change. Include the following in your strategy.
Specific growth strategy for at least 3-5 years
Distribution system
Advertising - Institutional and Product Specific
Specific Sales Strategies - personnel, compensation, sales calls, closing ratios, average sales/communications
Predominant Sales Techniques. Describe the methods your company will use in its sales strategies. Will you be telemarketing, making direct sales presentations, using a distributor or sales agent, etc.?
F. Product and/or Services - Specific Include a description of what jobs or problems your product or service eliminates for the customer. Pictures and illustrations are helpful.
Benefits - Customer Needs SatisfiedShow evidence of the need as well as the satisfaction.
Present Stage - Idea, Prototype, Small Sales, etc.If your product is not market ready, show steps necessary to take it from its current status.
Life CycleHow long will your product or service be suitable for the market?
Intellectual Property - Patents, Trade Secrets, Copyrights, Trademarks, etc.Any properties owned or in application should be included. Describe the unique marketability of the intellectual property for the business.
G. Operations Operational plans should describe how the product or service will be produced. If unique abilities are a key part of the product - their production should be described in detail here.
Key Personnel - allocation of their resources, major strengths
Production and/or service delivery - capacity techniques, cost factors, logistics, quality control, economies of scale.
Supplies needed
Legal Structure
Stockholders, Board of Directors
Organization Chart
Future Human Resource Requirements
H. Financial - 5-10 pages, including assumptions The financial description of the plan should present a fiscal picture of the market strategy and operational plans. Include complete assumptions for every category. Effective assumption should not be your own opinion unless you are a recognized expert.
Funding Requirements - amount, type, term, etc.
Use of Funds
Pay-out to investors - timing, return on investment, exit strategy for investors
Past and Present Financials - 3 years · Cash flow · Profit and Loss Statement · Balance Sheet
Future Projections - 3 years · Cash flow, 1st and 2nd years should be monthly · P&L · Balance Sheet
Explanation and documentation or source of assumptions in projections
I. Appendices - usually 20-30 additional pages maximum Use the appendices for the following extra information, making reference to them in the body of the plan.
Key Managers Resumes
Professional Reference (Letters of recommendation)
Published information
Contracts and Agreements
Media, Articles
Monday, February 18, 2008
Vilbar's in Tagum City hosted parents and students seminar
Last February 10, 2008 the Tagum chapter gathered and organized 23 guest (parents and students) to attend a 1-day Divine Principle seminar. The lecture contents lectured were: The Principles of Creation and the Fall of Man from ICF lecture manual. In addition, the lectures on Family Tree and Blessing was shared. There were four families who attended with their children who are also students. These families were neighbors of Mr. Vilbar in their village.
There were students too who were invited by the student-core members from the different university and colleges in Tagum City.
This is a domino effect on the first seminar that was conducted last month and one by one families who were invited before tried to encourage also other families as well as with the students this time.
This is a domino effect on the first seminar that was conducted last month and one by one families who were invited before tried to encourage also other families as well as with the students this time.
Morever, a pastor from a Christian Church also attended, to hope that it may be the start of inter-religious activity in the area, since the pastor could see negative but was satisfied from the lectures as some other religious leaders in their respective congregation were saying. He also confirm his willingness to study deeper about True Parents' thought and messages.
The seminar in Tagum City will continue every 2nd Sunday of the month as a continuous learning educational program of students and parents. Parents who were invited in this program will be invited again to attend 4-day seminar during the summer time when they will have enough time and can request for a leave of absence from their respective jobs. For the students also, the seminar will be their preparation to attend higher seminars during the summer vacation.
In the seminar, the Holy Wine Ceremony where drinking of holy wine as a symbol of commitment of every couple and purity of life and fidelity to ones spouse was conducted. After it was explained to the parents and the couples who attended the seminar as well as to the single participants, they were excited praying that in the future their spouse will be true to their conjugal commitment and purity. The same ceremmony was also done in other areas in Davao and the participants felt and encouraged to really substantialized the lectures presented to them.
As a reflection on the activities, the result of the aimed goal can be felt if continuity is sustained as a part of a program and if each leader will take responsibility to always keep in touch with each guest-participant to encourage them again to proceed to higher learning of the Principle. As each blessed member is already empowered to organize his tribal activity, this will lead to more substantial restoration of the homeland and thus contribute to the restoration of the fatherland.
It is hoped that these will add more results for the coming Global Peace Festival 2008 by taking ownership and responsibility in each one's respective area.
The seminar in Tagum City will continue every 2nd Sunday of the month as a continuous learning educational program of students and parents. Parents who were invited in this program will be invited again to attend 4-day seminar during the summer time when they will have enough time and can request for a leave of absence from their respective jobs. For the students also, the seminar will be their preparation to attend higher seminars during the summer vacation.
In the seminar, the Holy Wine Ceremony where drinking of holy wine as a symbol of commitment of every couple and purity of life and fidelity to ones spouse was conducted. After it was explained to the parents and the couples who attended the seminar as well as to the single participants, they were excited praying that in the future their spouse will be true to their conjugal commitment and purity. The same ceremmony was also done in other areas in Davao and the participants felt and encouraged to really substantialized the lectures presented to them.
As a reflection on the activities, the result of the aimed goal can be felt if continuity is sustained as a part of a program and if each leader will take responsibility to always keep in touch with each guest-participant to encourage them again to proceed to higher learning of the Principle. As each blessed member is already empowered to organize his tribal activity, this will lead to more substantial restoration of the homeland and thus contribute to the restoration of the fatherland.
It is hoped that these will add more results for the coming Global Peace Festival 2008 by taking ownership and responsibility in each one's respective area.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Fil Jap Blessed Community Leader R. Cruz joins Tokyo Marathon

Tokyo- Some of the 30,000 top athletes and amateur runners set off from the Tokyo metropolitan government building in Shinjuku for the 2nd Tokyo Marathon at 9 a.m. Sunday. Switzerland's Viktor Rothlin won the 42.195-km marathon in 2 hours, 7 minutes, 23 seconds. The route took in Iidabashi, the Imperial Palace in Hibiya, Shinagawa, Ginza, Nihombashi, Tsukiji and Ariake, before ending at Tokyo Big Sight.
One of the participants here is no other than Bro. Reuben Cruz of the Fil-Jap Blessed Community. For the second year, he joins this crusade not only for physical endurance, but as a condition to gain enough courage, strenght, resistance to lead a group strongly challenged to offer help and assistance to various international projects in Asia.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Winter Olympics 1998 Memorial: A Flashback
Today, after 10 years of the Nagano Winter Olympics, a flashback was organized by the government to keep the spirit of sportmanship and people's love to
sports' development.
They have the taste of riding a mini-bobsleigh organized by the goverment along the temporarily closed street at Nagano Central.

My two girls together with their mom enjoyed some poses thru the demand of the 6-year old Ricah.
They have the taste of riding a mini-bobsleigh organized by the goverment along the temporarily closed street at Nagano Central.
Some mobile stores were installed and "sabis desu" sample sushi were offered by vendors aside from the free silver ballons. Candle lights were also arranged along the streets. They light it after sunset while pedestrians enjoy the nice spirit of street lanterns and candles.
Culture, sports and entertainment - all combine and it attracts crowd and tourists in Nagano, Japan.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Reflection: After Three Winter Seasons in Japan

Nagano- Three winter seasons I now experienced in my life and now is the coldest winter I got. Three days ago, the mercury dropped to its lowest level as the weather agency monitored the Sea of Japan striken by a freezing zone.
How I wish to reflect insights as I wander when can I go again to the green landscape like this picture with sunshine giving reflection to the wide river and shades light to nature.
Almost three years now in Japan and still I struggle to speak their tounge. My aging memory plus the effects of daily medicines made me far to memorize from hiragana to katakana to kanji. And communication to me is so important. When I go to to a store, I dont know how to ask, "how much is this?" but need to check the price tag at its label. When I look for a barber shop, I cant read the barber's signage but look for a revolving rainbow colors of blue, red, white and the like usual in front of a parlor or barber's shop. Until now, when I ride a bus to a place first time for me to go, I need to write down some benchmarks whenever a bus turns right or left to make sure I can go back to where I came from. When I use a telephone or a telephone card, I have to call a Pinoy friend at first to ask for help how to use their card in this place. What a 3-year battle!
But for three years now, I still keep my 3 times a week visiting a special nook for me, the garbage places, at least 5 garbage areas per week and check what is recyclable and surplus from there. Thanks for the rich who throws used but usable things and I am graced from bags, table, chairs, shelves, boxes, polo shirts, jackets, fotuns, caps, flower pots, bicycles, tennis rackets, small rugs, cloth-hanger, umbrellas and the like. Third Saturday of the month is most exciting for me as it is the schedule for non-degradable objects. Not so bad for me!
For three years, I knew who are real friends and who are those friends who murmur at your back and make not so good stories against you. For three years I learned what a spiritual organization is and what is a tithes-and-donation-collecting agency is. A spiritual organization dedicated to refresh spiritual growth and development of man offers guidance and counselling, Sunday Services and fellowhip, internal guidance and organize spiritual renewal activities while a tithes-and-donation collecting arm is a mere donation box which could never recognize a person who drops nor sense his heart of donating.
For three years, life becomes so silent that only my ten fingers could talk thru cyberspace. Three years of no car-driving but daily back-and-forth-walking from govt apartment to work either rain or shine, cloudy or snowing; three years of no telephone-calling with a cellphone, three years far from the favorite Filipino foods and fruits but nattu and egg for breakfast , daikong, misu soap and gohang if not o-dung or soba for dinner everytime with a name in the menu-list called "as-usual".
Three years with no Christmas celebration, three years with no social occasions, and only this year that none from my dearest family remember me on my birthday. Thanks God the cyberworld connects me to people who were reminded in their friendster and egroups about my birthday. They all patched up the holes of forgetfullness of my loved ones to even just sing or simply greet me on that day. On my meditation time, I was told, I am but old now to celebrate anyway. First in 46 years that I could not hear a birthday song that day. Huh!!!
After I started family life in Philippines, every after two years a new child is born. Only here in three years that no one was made nor born in Japan. No tasty banana from Japan!!!
Three years but learn to talk silently with nature, sing if not hum to the trees if not flowers along the streets or yards; make silent sentences while looking on the sorrounding mountains blessed with trees if not covered with snow; learn by observing the temples or shrines of the Shinto if not of Buddhism, and learn to whisper to extreme colds if not warm of the climate in this rural place.
Three years here now and I discovered that not only male Japanese have the hard tune to say "I luv you" but so with my wife. I got no Valentine chocolate as "giri" from her nor these three words from her aside that she missed by birthday.
After this three short-term years, another short if not long term program to set. Make a vision and set a target. Plan again the next 3 years and beyond. There is no other choice but to move ahead back to the future!!!

Winter flowers from Nagano for you BCA-I!
V・is for Valentine ; you are my only Valentine A・.is for I will Always be yours
V・is for Valentine ; you are my only Valentine A・.is for I will Always be yours
L・.is for Love at its most extreme
E・.is for Everlasting love ; Ecstatic love.
N・.is for Never-ending love
T・.is for we will Always be Together forever
I・.is for you being Intelligent and Innocent;
N・is for Natures naughty way of saying
I luv you too
E・.is for Eternity our love is so ever lasting
Allan and Chiemi
Tulips for all WCARP Alumni on this Love day!
Happy Leap Year
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Love day and what is love by the way?
To romantic Filipinos, this day is extra-ordinary. They can spend a lot to move deeper from friendship, affection, romance, to sex. Good for married couples. No problem. But for students and singles, it resorts to pre-marital sex.

Commercialism has pervaded Valentine’s Day with people making sure to buy material gifts for their loved ones whenever they go to malls, he lamented.
"People now think of love as only the love between couples, which should not be," he said.
He said the Church warns everyone, especially the youth, to guard against danger and sin deceitfully wrapped in material things."Love cannot be bought; love cannot be replaced with momentary happiness. True love comes from the heart and recognizes the need to respect one's beloved," Cardinal Rosales said.
"I hope that people incorporate spirituality in their lives, focusing on their love for the Lord and following the steps of the blessed," the alarmed Cardinal Rosales said.
To me to engage to a saintly love need no sex. there is love in charity if you have a little if not much to give. There is love when to smile to an enemy. There is love when you come closer to shake hand with your oppositionist or competitor. There is love when you send your thoughtfullness to a person if not friend.
To a spouse, love can be beyond sex. The twilight couples or senior citizens have graduated on that but are still rich with their Valentine's affair in many different ways.

To all of you, may this day be a day to discover more the magic of love! Where is love in sacrifices aside from be nailed on the cross? Engr. Lozada has discovered that last Friday. Where is love among OFW's who are far from their families? Where is love in Abalos case? Where is love among the celebate priests and nuns? Where is love among the cute little boys and girls in the schools? Where is love in the operating room if not in the ICU?
I love you all!!! Happy Valentine's Day to one and all!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Tree of Life and the day I got life

Nine months before February was June of the previous year. On that month there was a pro-creation. It started from the foreplay to the unity of polarity of positive and negative cells released by the co-creator after a momentous bed-activity, and later on an eventual hitched I called helped me find my birth. Thanks for my twin brother who allowed me to hitch with him in our 9-month development from fertilization to evolution in my mother's womb to the February13th transition to earth. Thanks to the co-creators our parents and the great Creator for allowing us to meet this broadband and colorful life mysteries.
The Creator planned and made two special trees the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In humanity, He created two persons, man and woman named Adam and Eve respectively. It manifests the duality of the inner and external nature and the polarity of masculinity and feminity in nature.
Everything has a purpose. Even wars, typhoon, joy and tribulations. Life's purpose is most fundamentally important to me.
I wanna be happy! Academic degrees made me happy but now no more. My house and car before in the Philippines made me happy. But now I'm carless, houseless in Japan. As a teacher I talked everyday in lectures, sermons, seminars, guidance and counselling which made me happy but in other country like Japan, I speak no more! My tounge is tied. I gain salary. I give it to my wife. I dont have anything. Am I happy?
Objects of joy
Yesterday, my eldest brother has to battle his life rushed to the operating room. He needs four bags of plasma, 4 bags of blood. His daughter and I talked a little on what to do. Thanks for the cyberspace. I started soliciting for help, ask for blood donors. I started to knock to some friends to help me find and send money in order to save life. I emailed to my dearest bestfriend my petition in a form of prayer to allow my dear brother to extend his God-given life here on earth; to give wisdom and energy to the medical team who does attend and perform a medical operation to the external body of this man; to a praying team who also need to give a spiritual operation to the inner nature and revive the moral, the fighting spirit, the will of man to stand up and live for God's will on earth.
Now he is back again to his ICU for another 24-hour sensitive heart-monitoring. Before his heart functions 40%. After the 1st of the three surgeries, he together with a medical and spiritual teams have to continue. And this duality of inner and external nature of man always come together with the duality of care and action. God and science combine. AS the medical team got to hold on, the praying team needs to burn more candles to pray. Praise God who evolves life from love!
In today's national daily one Ernie Lapuz said and I quote: Sometimes, it’s religion that rejects God by closing people’s hearts and minds to the unraveling of creation. Meanwhile, like common politicians, most of our religious leaders (especially the prominent ones) seem richer while most of the flocks are poorer. Isn’t this mockery a greater rejection of God?
But hold on to your faith, we can change. God meant us to evolve.
Level of Faith
Man's level of faith varies and is significantly related to his resources too. St. Francis throws away back to his parents all his resources including his clothes and pants and be freed away material things to his spiritual journey of life. On the time of needs, man's faith is stronger than the time he has plenty.Forgive us our dearest Friend when we are more aware of caring and valuing life when we are sick than those time we have more and simply ignore the nutritional value behind those things we just eat and eat a lot, drink and drink a lot and so on. Our spiritual senses are less when our physical senses enjoy more. We forget the duality and polarity you blessed upon us.
Birthday wish
On this day, February 13, my precious birthday wish is a not for me. Can I lend my remaining years of my God-given life here on earth to my eldest brother? If You allow me to, this is my wish at Your command.

The passing time speaks the damages incurred to the beauty of nature as man ignores his role on it. Modernity, industrialization and unbalanced maneuvering along time enumerate some factors that threaten this nature's beauty. This happens to the rice terraces too.
Perhaps, the forefathers although have fundamental education, but have enough to stand and behold a good historical monument for their decendants. How about the modern society today? What can they give or leave to their decendants if damages are uncontrolled?
Issues once proven could lead to development if not to crises.
The issue has to be defined and cleared.
From 2004 presidential election issue to a Comelec chairman allegedly brokering for multi-billion dollar project, to the linking of nontheless "big man" in the palace, to the ouster of the Speaker-father of the whistle-blower initiated by the 2 sons from the palace, to the abduction of a key witness on the issue, up to the silence of woman in the palace are all corraborative to affirm damages either in image or in substance if not both.
How will this damage be controlled?
They seem to see that the damage can be controlled by the media; that gagging the executives with an executive order instead of going to the Senate would control the damage too; and abducting a key witness to avoid delivering under oath his testimony will also control the damage, and signing antedated affidavits will also control more damages.
To correct a mistake can control a possible damage. To update a long shelfed/filed data or policy or system can also avoid possible damages that an administrative order may affect to the new situation and mode. Or else a direction given or decision made based from old data is less effective to address a goal. This is different from a so called culture and tradition.
To refresh one's self on a given vision-mission statement can help control damages because time sometimes derail one's motive and objection far from the vision. Egoism can cause trouble in attaining a vision and goal. Mission can be misdirected if not refreshed and aligned to the vision. Hence, things are prone to damages.
A cover-up could not be an insturment on damage-control. It can delay the appearance of growing damages instead. Buying media for positive air time, headlines, opinions and editorial cannot control damages. Truth instead will set people free.
To ask for an excuse and correct a speaker or your boss duing a dialogue or conference can be an effective damage-control tool. To keep numb and just cry over a given direction or statement make the damages imprisoned within but never control damages as it will just grow time after time.
Courage, honesty, updated if not absolute truth can control damages!
Speak out!!!!!!!!! Control the damages!!!!!
Sa ngalan sa Amahan!

Ginoong gamhanan sa tanan,
Ako uban ang sakop sa akong pamilya kanimo miyokbu og midangop aron mangampo!
Wala miy ikahalad kanimo kundili ang among kinasing kasing nga pasalamat nga sa daghang mga kalisud og kasakit, Imo ming gina-ubanan kanunay sa pagpangita og paagi aron makalusot sa daghang pagsuway. Salamat kaayo among Ginoo! Si ate Lily hinaut nga diretsuhay na ang iyang pag ayo. Si Nong Florie sa iyang pag malapuson sa pag kontrol sa iyang kasingkasing og sa bag-o niyang trabaho! Si Mamang sa iyahang pagpaningkamot sa kalisod sa kinabuhi sa ioang katiguwangan; sila Edgar og Mading nga nakaangkon og trabaho uban sa kasakit sa kalayo didto sa Arabya; og si Poe sa iyang pagpaningkamot uban sa iyang pamilya sa Dabaw.
Daw sa akong panlantaw, dili man gani mi angay nga Imong tagaan pa og mga higayon kay daghan na kaayo ang among mga kasal-anan diri sa yuta. Maski karon, daghang mga pagtudluay ag pag binasulay sa mga kasaypanan sa gobyerno, sa mga tawong daw ang materyal og mga butang lay ilang tuyu og damgo. Sori Ginoo kong kani maoy dagway sa among gobyerno karon. Wa gyoy garbong ikaatubang o ikahalad kanimo mi rong panahuna. Pasayloa mi Ginoo kon wala mi nahimong lakaw aron matagaan man lang og maayong panlantaw ang gobyerno og ang mga galingkod sa gobyerno karon. Hinaut nga mahigmata na sila sa ilang pagtiaw-tiaw aning kinabuhi dili lang kanila kundili para Kanimo og sa kadaghanan og tanan.
Ang mga pobre Ginoo, wa na gyoy laing dangpanan, Ikaw ra gyod sama kanamo! Kung daghan lang untang Father Suarez nga Imong medyum para sa "healing" dinha sa Pi'nas karon, hinaut nga ang pagsalig og pag too sa katawhan mahimong haligi nga tarong aron magmalinawon og mag mahigugmaon ang katawhan dili lang para sa ilang kaugalingon kun dili tungod sa kahitas-an nga maoy paglaum sa tanan! D iba mga kaigsoonan? Amen!!!
Ginoo, usa sa among ituktok sa Imong mahigugmaong kasingkasing, puede Ginoo? Bata pa man ang among igsoong si Manong Boy aron mopanaw og duna pay mga misyon siya sa iyang pamilya, sa iyang kapunungan sa kummunidad, sa iyang mga apo og sa kasilinganan niya. Kung puede Ginoo, hatagi pa siyag igo pang panahon dinhi sa yuta aron iyang mahimo pa ang daghang kaayuhan para sa tanan. Tagai pa unta siya Ginoo og maayong panlawas, kusog og kinabuhi nga iyang malusutan ang mga gibati niya ron. Among iapil Ginoo ang mga doktor og nars niya mga mo-opera niya, mga tawong modonar og dugo para sa iyang operasyon. Hinaut nga ang basbas gikan nimo muhatag sa ilahag igong gahom og kusog aron mag malampuson ang mga operasyon og pag ayo ni Manong Boy. Plis among Ginoong mahigugmaon......
Promis Ginoo, mag makugi pa mig maayo para sa kaayuhan sa mga katawhan! Apan Imo ang tanan. Amo lang i petisyon Nimo Makagagahum kining butanga. Og salamat sa tanan nimong paghigugma kanamo og sa katawhan.
Kini among giampo Kanimo sa ngalan ni Kristo nga among Manluluwas!!!!
Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Survival and Strength

The struggle of Cain and Abel that is reflected in the scene of Jacob and Esau is seen always in our present day life.
Good that history has one that tells on how Jacob won over his twin brother Esau. It's a good lesson for all to win like Jacob by humbling down with a spirit of reconciling for the sake of harmony and their lineage.
As JdV in his finale or valedictory address in the House, he was sounding like he knows that he better humble down. His striking words against GMA declares his going down from speakership since he knows it is a numbers' game.
But few days after his ouster, Another bombshell from a certain Lozada makes the palace people soundful like defensive as they question Lozada's credibility. Lozada's testimony linking the Arroyo man and Abalos to the scam connects it back to the Comelec and Palace in the presidential election and the the payment of "credit inside" after it.
I can feel now that there are planners talking now on how, when, who in their next strike for people's moral revolution thru power.
Politics, money, sensation, greed and materials are all objects of man's temporary happiness.
I dont dream of my palace or embassy. I dont dream of savings. I dream of the happiness of a simple surviving man against position, authority, power and relative sensations.
God bless Philippines.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Tribal Activity of Councilor Raul Caballero of Nabunturan, Compostela Valley

In addition, with this public service these young scholars are trained to become leaders of the future with principle and dignity.
The 1-day activity was composed of cognitive activity such as lectures on Principles of Creation; topics like The importance of unity of subject and object, the dual nature of creations, the purpose of creation and nature and God.
The 1-day activity was composed of cognitive activity such as lectures on Principles of Creation; topics like The importance of unity of subject and object, the dual nature of creations, the purpose of creation and nature and God.
In the afternoon, they organize themselves into teams to work and clean inside and the vicinity of Nabunturan public market.
After the community service, the scholars have their group reflection and individual reflection of the activity conducted for the day. Some scholars were shy at the beginning, but as the cleaning goes when they received positive feedback from the community people, the scholars became more inspired in cleaning their respective areas. One scholar reflected, “I felt happy to work for community especially when I am with my co-scholars. I learned much from this day in our lectures as well as in cleaning the public market, I value now not to litter anywhere”, Catherine Villamor. The scholars had also their brain-storming of what their next activity they will conduct. The result of their discussion that their next activity will be tree-planting. They are preparing the necessary letters and study to do the tree-planting project as their next activity.
They would like to give thanks to the government of Nabunturan, Compostela Valley especially the Hon. Macario Humol and the public market administration for supporting them in their project.
After the community service, the scholars have their group reflection and individual reflection of the activity conducted for the day. Some scholars were shy at the beginning, but as the cleaning goes when they received positive feedback from the community people, the scholars became more inspired in cleaning their respective areas. One scholar reflected, “I felt happy to work for community especially when I am with my co-scholars. I learned much from this day in our lectures as well as in cleaning the public market, I value now not to litter anywhere”, Catherine Villamor. The scholars had also their brain-storming of what their next activity they will conduct. The result of their discussion that their next activity will be tree-planting. They are preparing the necessary letters and study to do the tree-planting project as their next activity.
They would like to give thanks to the government of Nabunturan, Compostela Valley especially the Hon. Macario Humol and the public market administration for supporting them in their project.
Matsumoto City in Nagano ken, Japan: A backgrounder

MATSUMOTO CITY: In the center of the Matsumoto Basin, in the center of Nagano Prefecture, Matsumoto City (pop.208, 000) serves as the gateway to the Chubu-Sangaku National Park (the Japan Alps). In spite of modernization in the city center, it retains much of its past heritage from the days when it was a prosperous castle town. Charming back streets still reflect the town history.
Lord Sadayoshi Ogasawara bestowed the name "Matsumoto" on the town in 1582. Since the beginning of the 20th century, it has been an educational, industrial and cultural center.
Matsumoto Dentetsu Bus leaves from the front of Matsumoto Station.Sightseeing buses are available for the major attractions in both Nagano and Matsumoto from spring to autumn.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Seven months ago, I visited a historical mass tomb on top of a hill in Mayoyao, Ifugao. It was a cave where remains of beheaded Japanese soldiers were buried and kept during the WWII. That was history. Isang kasaysayan na lugar ng Mayoyao..
When I worked on the papers of a school for its registration and legal start, it took me 2 summers to finish and do all the 24 documents alone that were required by the DepEd. The school got a recognition, started and operated. But the imprimatur to administer the school was graced to another person by an authority who has the Lord's blessing accordingly. And history keeps the facts.
Lakas Tao which became Lakas NUCD and later again became Lakas CMD which was founded by FVR, JDV and the late Raul Manglapus is now seemingly divided after the ouster of the speaker JDV. Today's headline says that JDV can be possibly ousted as Lakas CMD president after his long speech at the House delivered before his ouster. This may happen during their incoming Lakas CMD party convention very soon. Many said that his speech was already damaging to the administration of GMA and the platform of the political party.
A man founded an institution and later he will just be thrown away. History attests this.
There are reasons why conflicts arise. Vested interests and egoism mostly cater them. Individuals, partners, organizations, instituions or even nations experienced these.
Palaging nasa kasaysayan ang lahat ng pagbabago. Masakit sa isang sulok, masaya sa kabila ngunit kailangang ituloy ang nilalandas ng kasaysayan. History gathers the facts.
The cooling off of the two sides takes time. It may also need a grave or a cave to keep the history of the past in order for the two sides to mend again if not to go with two parting directions that may leave their original vision far to be reached by both.
Empathy can somehow help one side if not both. But the vision cheerished from the very beginning should not be sacrificed by both. The vision shall keep the ideals and history shall cheer for the moment of its accomplishment.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
A New Horizon or Back to Square 1?

There were some feedbacks this morning after I posted the news on the ouster of JDV and the new Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines. Thanks to our online dailies that give us a big window to know what is going on in our lupang hinirang thru the cyberspace.
One asks, "papano ngayon yan?" and the question was somehow pointing to the GPF and the providence?
To me JDV is JDV. With or without his position he is still the JDV I know. The thing that perhaps made many worried is the influence one can get from a Speaker of the House. Perhaps the PR department of some NGO's are more worried on this. Am I right Tita?
This could be more painful to one who too has invested much to the person if not for the position.
But what are those positions when the pioneers did their job two or three decades ago? Was there a speaker who helped them stand? Was there a mayor who welcomed or helped them in the town or city during their pioneering time? Yet, they survive. Centers sprout!
I think only the international leaders are so keen to tap the enfluential people in the land. And the movement spent a lot without having one from them joining the FR team. Huh! Then, let then tap them. And they too will tapped later. Laruin mo at lalaruin ka rin nila, ika nga!
In fairness, there are educators too who have done their great part.
To me, doing a mission in my own locality with an integrated program on education, livelihood and community services are more meaningful in that dimension. I rather go for that level than go to a horizon where my foundation is not that strong.
Philippine politics is still so cain-type that a cry for a moral revolution costs s life-time career and profession. I hope not the commitment and dedication of one like JDV.
"Protect Your God-given Assets"
Rev. Hyung-Jin Nim's English Sermon
Head Quarter Church , Chungpadong
December 8, 2007
Sermon's prelude: Mrs. Yeon Ah Moon's Message
Last Monday, my husband and I went to Cheon Jeong Gung. At that time True Father was having dinner with Shin Jun. As True Father fed Shin Jun, True Father is just so happy watching Shin Jun just eating and he had this nice warm smile on his face. And we all know how sweet and warm True Father's smile is. After my husband, Hyung Jin Nim's, Inauguration Ceremony at Head Quarter Church , many people have commented that it was such moving and inspiring event. Interestingly many people have commented also that they kind of finally realized the reason for our church not growing. They said, according to them, they said it is the, the reason is because in our sanctuary our brother's and sister's tears had run dry. They said that the reason for our poor church growth. They said if we bring those tears into our sanctuary back, then our church will be revived again. At home, as we drink tea, I ask my husband about that comment "What do you think about that?". And my husband said, He believes that it is not tears that causes our poor church growth, but he believe that it is joy and happiness, the lack of joy and happiness in our sanctuary that comes from the very bottom of our heart, that cause the struggles in our church, that's what he believe. At that moment, I remembered, the very True Father warm and happy smile that I experienced at Cheon Chun Gun and I realized, I truly realized that's what we need, that something we need to bring back into our sanctuary and into our family life and each one of our lives. Brothers and Sisters let's never give up on each other and ourselves. We love you brothers and sisters and we believe in you....AJU!!
Sermon's prelude: Mrs. Yeon Ah Moon's Message
Last Monday, my husband and I went to Cheon Jeong Gung. At that time True Father was having dinner with Shin Jun. As True Father fed Shin Jun, True Father is just so happy watching Shin Jun just eating and he had this nice warm smile on his face. And we all know how sweet and warm True Father's smile is. After my husband, Hyung Jin Nim's, Inauguration Ceremony at Head Quarter Church , many people have commented that it was such moving and inspiring event. Interestingly many people have commented also that they kind of finally realized the reason for our church not growing. They said, according to them, they said it is the, the reason is because in our sanctuary our brother's and sister's tears had run dry. They said that the reason for our poor church growth. They said if we bring those tears into our sanctuary back, then our church will be revived again. At home, as we drink tea, I ask my husband about that comment "What do you think about that?". And my husband said, He believes that it is not tears that causes our poor church growth, but he believe that it is joy and happiness, the lack of joy and happiness in our sanctuary that comes from the very bottom of our heart, that cause the struggles in our church, that's what he believe. At that moment, I remembered, the very True Father warm and happy smile that I experienced at Cheon Chun Gun and I realized, I truly realized that's what we need, that something we need to bring back into our sanctuary and into our family life and each one of our lives. Brothers and Sisters let's never give up on each other and ourselves. We love you brothers and sisters and we believe in you....AJU!!
Interesting Story:
I heard about a story of a young girl and she had an aged grandfather and the grandfather, he was now very old and he was in 90。ッs and he's preparing to go to the next world. He was in a hospital and he was everyday, he was undertaking a new habit that she noticed and everyday she walked on the room, she visited him, she would open the door and there he would be, in front of a lamp, small lamp reading his bible everyday. And she saw this habit every time she came and visited. And one she said, "Grandpa, why is it that you're reading a bible everyday? You've never read it in your life. You've never really attend church so much, why of all a sudden you are reading a bible?" And the grandfather, you know, he stayed quiet at first and continue to ask "Grandpa, Grandpa, tell me why you're reading a bible?" And a little annoyed he said to her, "We'll it's a little like this, it's a little like cramming for your final exam the night before." (Laugh)
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon's Sermon:
Today I'd like to talk to you about-I gonna actually do something a little different. I。ッm not gonna use my notes so much, OK? So I。ッm gonna try. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and I'm trying to improve myself as well. Let。ッs talk about protecting what God has given us.
You know, whenever we start living a more blessed life it's very often the case that we will be tempted and that we will be asked and there will be attempts to take away what it is we have gained. Those things will not necessarily be material things, but things such as things that we are cultivating, like inner-strength, confidence in ourselves. Things like inner peace. Things like a can-do mentality. These kind of things we have to learn to protect. As you become more blessed, more successful, more victorious, more illuminated, more peaceful, we know at the same time, the archangel doesn't like that. So you know that is the worst thing that is happening to his kingdom. So as soon as he sees you becoming more blessed he'll want to steal from you, take away the things that you have been building, the things that you have been investing yourself in, the things that you have been creating.
Let's think about the story of Joseph. You know, he was sold into slavery as a young boy, by his elder brothers, as you may know. And eventually, he got himself to be a helper to Potifar and his wife. Of course for a crime that he didn't even commit, he was imprisoned for 2 years. But yet, while Joseph was in that situation, in those 24 dark months, every day he had to live in the squalid conditions. Every day he had to get up again and face the same dingy room. He could be so tempted to be depressed. He could be so tempted to say, "You know what? I can't go any further. I'm never going to be blessed. It's all over. I have to throw in my towel now." But Joseph chose to keep protecting what God had given him. He chose to keep his faith alive in his heart, saying in his mind, "I'm going to keep a positive attitude in this. I'm gonna learn through this circumstance, and I。ッm going to come out even more victorious." So Joseph learned that protecting what you are building is so important.
See the archangel knows that it is our spirit power. If he's able to steal our spirit power as we are progressing, as we are having more small victories, if he's able to take that away from us or even hide it from our view, we will be losing the very things that we are building, that we are putting the foundation down for. OK? So it is very important. When we look at the original etymology of the word, "steal", one of the meanings is to "hide", is to actually hide from our view. So it is not only the case that it will be taken away, but also, something that we may have, a talent that we may have, or a particular confidence that we may have, may be hidden from us. A potential that we have may be hidden from us. It's very important as we live our lives, and as we reflect, and learn to see within ourselves, to start identifying what God has given to me as a particular strength, and a particular gift, as we start choosing to cultivate those things, that we learn how to also protect them. Not in a way that is hoarding, but in a way that is confident, that knows that this comes through investment. These things will be shared to others to bring light, encouragement, and help. When we think about God, it's very interesting because when we look at the story of Adam and Eve, when we look at Lucifer in the story. He was an archangel. He was actually a created being, by God. He was one of the loved created beings, but he had what is sort of known as a scarcity mentality. He looked around and he saw, "You know what? God's love is not vast. There's only a limited quantity. There's a limited resource of God's love, so I need to compete with Adam and Eve to get that". He had a scarcity mentality. He looked at Adam and Eve and he said, "You know what? Because they are receiving so much love from God, and I am not, I'm going to choose to attack them. I'm going to choose to be jealous." And whether he knew it or not, he was thinking in the scarcity mentality. He was not looking at God as being able to provide great amounts. He was not looking at God as a God of abundance or a God of surplus. When we look at surplus, it means, "super plus." That's what it means. So God is not only a "check plus", He's a "super plus." We have to remember that. Whenever we are tempted to say, "I need that thing more than he does". Or you know, "I can't learn that thing." Whenever we start thinking in a "can't" mind, we may be thinking in a "scarcity" mind. Whenever we start trying to compete with another person, we are thinking in a scarcity mentality. We are thinking in a zero-sum game mentality. As you all remember, a zero-sum game is a game where one person wins and one person must lose. That's a zero-sum game. See, life is not like that. We live our lives it's very important that we learn how to make win-win synergies. We learn how not to "compete" but to "complete" the other. Its very important that while we are working, while we are making friendships, while we are at our work place, or while we are studying or making connections and building relationships that we are in the mode of abundance in our mind. That we see that there's plenty, that we don't think that I have to win and he has to loose. But we see the world and relationships in the sense that we have to be there to complete each other. There's plenty. We have to win together. There's plenty to go around. Everybody must win. If we can learn how to have that mentality, then we can see people around us, even our children, as partners along this journey of life. Even our friends and co-workers, as partners that are helping us grow, helping us advance, helping the organization or the given educational institution to improve. When we start looking at each other not as "compete" but as "complete", we bring a lot more blessings into our lives. And into the lives of those around us. You know when we look at the story of Jesus, as you all recall, in the Principle. We recall the 3 temptations of Christ. In the 3 temptations of Christ, Lucifer comes to him and tempts him with turning stones into bread, the first one. The second was, to bring him to a high tower and to ask him to jump down, to plummet himself down. The third one of course, as you recall, was to offer him all the kingdoms. I'll give you all the kingdoms if you bow down before me, as you recall. But Jesus was able to successfully overcome these temptations, these great challenges. It's very interesting because, in Korean, its not really called "temptations", it's the 3 "challenges". The 3 tests of Christ.
So when we look at these things, of course we know from a Principled perspective, the first one: here Lucifer was, he was tempting Jesus. "Turn your temple of God, turn your stone into bread. Turn your temple, which is strong and solid, which has an unshakable foundation, and change it into bread." Even rain can make the bread soggy. Birds of prey and animals can come and eat your bread. "Change your temple into bread." He tempted Christ to do that. When Jesus overcame this temptation, he was able through the process of indemnity to restore the first blessing, as we remember. He restored that first blessing, individual perfection, right Completion. In the second one, when the Archangel tempted him, "Jump down from the tower. Jump down from the temple." And Jesus once again was able to overcome. He was able to maintain his position and not fall from grace. And again, that represented the second blessing, or family perfection. As you recall, in the third one, he offered all his kingdoms to Jesus. He said, "Jesus, I give you all my kingdoms. Take them. They'll all be yours, if you bow down to me." And Jesus of course decided not to do that. He overcame this temptation. So he was able to stand as the substantial Lord of Creation. He was able to stand, with the process of restoration, was able to overcome this temptation and become the Lord of Creation. When we see this, we may see this in a very isolated fashion. In a particular rational perspective as delineated in the Principle. But the principle is not only something that is abstract. It's not only a theological text. It's not an abstract thing. It has to apply in our daily lives. We have to find meaning in the text that applies to our very daily lives. When we see Jesus and the 3 temptations, we can apply that in our daily lives. When we start having doubts about ourselves, when we start thinking, "I can't do this. I'm not qualified to do that. The boss likes him more than me. I can't get that position. I'm never going to be able to be leading. I'm never going to be successful in what I do." Whenever we start doubting ourselves, what are we doing? We doubt the temple that God has created. We are being tempted to turn the stones into bread, to change it into bread. Have the animals devour it. Change it into bread. One rain will make all the bread soggy. We are being tempted like that. It's so important that we have the internal strength in ourselves. We know that God has blessed us. We know that we have the capabilities. We know that he has given us a particular gift, strength. Maybe not the same as everybody else, but we have a particular unique talent. We can cultivate that. We can have more success than we ever dreamed. We have to know in our minds that we have to protect this temple that God has made. Not to change it into bread. You know, when we look at the second temptation again, at the family temptation, if we do throw ourselves down from the tower, if we learn or get into the habit of falling into defeat, if we learn to get into the habit of giving up on ourselves or others around us, or our children, when somebody doesn't go right, we just give up on them, and say, "Oh you are never going to change" whenever we see ourselves saying such things, let us always remember that this is like the second temptation. It's like we are being tempted to jump down. Why? Because if the archangel can tempt us to jump down, if he can tempt us to fall into that defeat mentality, we will not be able to substantiate a true family. We will constantly be judging too heavily, others. We will not be able to make the space for people to grow in an environment that is conducive to improvement and also learning through setbacks and obstacles. It。ッs so important that we guard and protect these gifts that we have inside. Because they have not only impact on ourselves and our live of blessing, but they have a direct impact on our children and their lives of blessing. When we look at the 3rd blessing, we see again, the offering of all the kingdoms of the world. What is he saying here? He's saying, "Think in a "scarcity" mode. I want you to think, "scarce.' Don't think, you can be happy. Don't think you can learn. Don't think you can improve." He's saying, "I'll offer you all these things and only you can have them. You take them." But when we start thinking in that way, we begin to isolate others from ourselves. We begin to see everything as, "If I don't have it, if I don't take that piece of the pie, somebody else will." We start thinking in a scarcity mentality. We start thinking, "compete" and not "complete". You see? It's very important in this 3rd challenge that we are able in our hearts, to make sure that we are guarding and protecting that gift inside. We are protecting the fact that we will not consume our energies by living in a "scarcity" mode. We will actively seek to think, "complete", to think, "abundance", to think, "He or see may have a talent that I don't have, and if we work together, we can syncretize. We can become even stronger. We can become even more successful." See? If I don't know something, I'm not gonna sit there in defeat. We don't want to sit there and say, "I'm never gonna learn. I'm not qualified. I'm inferior in my mental capacity. I can't really learn." No. We want to immediately go out and learn. Right? We want to think, "There's plenty of information. There's plenty of opportunity to learn." When we start thinking in that abundance mentality as opposed to the scarcity mentality, we start learning how to view relationships more healthily. We start seeing relationships as win-wins. As relationships need to be completing each other. They need to be strengthening each other; giving each other solid foundations for the family to be built upon and also for the creation to be built upon. You know, when we look at such things, let us always remember that in our lives, it is such an important thing to learn how to protect what it is that we are building. Whenever we are thinking in a negative fashion, we may get down on ourselves and we may think, "I can't do it." We may think we do not have the appropriate talents. We have to isolate those kind of thoughts. We have to learn how to cultivate a new attitude in our lives. We have to, like Joseph, start seeing, even despite his circumstances, despite the fact that he was imprisoned for two years for something that he did not even commit, he kept a positive attitude. He said, "You know what? I'm gonna keep interpreting the dreams of the baker and the chef." You remember right? Joseph said, "You know what? I'm gonna continue to ask people to talk on my behalf to the Pharaoh. I。ッm not gonna get angry. I'm not going to yell at somebody else. I'm gonna continue to work on myself." Just like Joseph, we have to know how to protect that faith that we have in our futures. We have to know how to protect the God given gifts that we are given, that are endowed with. In the same way, just like Adam and Even in the beginning, let's not get into the habit, lets remember to stay away from that scarcity mentality. Let's stay away from that mentality to compete with others--to compete against our peers, to compete against our brothers and sisters, to compete against a school member. Instead, whenever we are working, in a work environment or on a team, let's think "complete.' I will not compete with them, I will "complete" them. When we do that, when we start learning to see others, identify their strengths. We can see also the sides that they may be less endowed than us, then we can start learning how to fit ourselves with people that can help our general trajectory, not only in our lives, but the trajectory of that particular work environment, or that particular institute, that particular church environment, etc. When we start learning to see each other not in a competing fashion, but in a 。ョcompleting。ッ fashion, we start opening the possibility. We start asking the question, "How can I complete this person? How will this person complete me?" We can start seeing more of an "abundance" mentality.
Just like Jesus, whenever we are tempted to have doubt in ourselves. Whenever we are tempted to say, "You know what? I can't do that. I'm not qualified to do that. I'm too young to do that. I'm too young to take a leadership role. I'm not talented; I don't have the ability to do so. Even I can't see my confidence. I don't have any confidence. I doubt myself all the time." Whenever we see ourselves saying that, we have to speak back, we have to talk back to those words, to those voices. We have to say, "You know what? I can do it. You know what? True Parents believe in me. You know what? I'm gonna continue, even though my children may not be perfect. And neither am I. But I'm gonna continue to have faith in them anyways. My circumstances may not be that great, but I。ッm gonna be happy anyways. I'm gonna continue to believe that my future is gonna get better, and I'm gonna work every day to improve myself."
Let's stay every day in that mode. Then we will be able to overcome the temptations, like Jesus. We will be able to overcome and set the foundation for individual completion, family completion. We'll be there as a stronger bedrock for our families. We'll be there as a stronger building stone for the temple to be created and erected upon. And then we will also stand, if we continue to do that and expand that, thinking more in an abundance mentality, how to complete others, we will make connections with others that will improve our environments. Whether it is a church environment, a work environment, a business environment, whether it is a school environment. We will start improving that creation. And in the same way, we will start setting stones, a foundation, in the individual life, the family life, and in our creation, in our world. You see? It's so important that we learn, when we become more blessed and blessed, we learn also to protect the blessings. We learn to protect the God given gifts and not let the archangel take them away. Don't let people steal your joy. Maybe somebody made you upset this week. Just let it go. There's no need to hang onto it, no need to be bitter about it. Just let it go, and just don't let them steal your joy. Just be happy anyway. Just move on. You see? When we act in that attitude of positivity, when we can look forward and say, "You know what? I'm not gonna let anything get in my way. I'm gonna keep moving forward. I'm not gonna forget everybody. I'm gonna bring everybody with me." So let's be in that mode. If we do that, I do believe, not only will we become more like Joseph, not only will we become less like the jealous archangel in the beginning, but we will become more like the Christ figure. We will become more like the messiah that Father has called us to be in our lives. He's asked us to be messiahs of our tribes, of our hometowns, of our nations, etc. And I believe that if we do that, we will live the life of blessing that True Parents have blessed us to live.
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