The passing time speaks the damages incurred to the beauty of nature as man ignores his role on it. Modernity, industrialization and unbalanced maneuvering along time enumerate some factors that threaten this nature's beauty. This happens to the rice terraces too.
Perhaps, the forefathers although have fundamental education, but have enough to stand and behold a good historical monument for their decendants. How about the modern society today? What can they give or leave to their decendants if damages are uncontrolled?
Issues once proven could lead to development if not to crises.
The issue has to be defined and cleared.
From 2004 presidential election issue to a Comelec chairman allegedly brokering for multi-billion dollar project, to the linking of nontheless "big man" in the palace, to the ouster of the Speaker-father of the whistle-blower initiated by the 2 sons from the palace, to the abduction of a key witness on the issue, up to the silence of woman in the palace are all corraborative to affirm damages either in image or in substance if not both.
How will this damage be controlled?
They seem to see that the damage can be controlled by the media; that gagging the executives with an executive order instead of going to the Senate would control the damage too; and abducting a key witness to avoid delivering under oath his testimony will also control the damage, and signing antedated affidavits will also control more damages.
To correct a mistake can control a possible damage. To update a long shelfed/filed data or policy or system can also avoid possible damages that an administrative order may affect to the new situation and mode. Or else a direction given or decision made based from old data is less effective to address a goal. This is different from a so called culture and tradition.
To refresh one's self on a given vision-mission statement can help control damages because time sometimes derail one's motive and objection far from the vision. Egoism can cause trouble in attaining a vision and goal. Mission can be misdirected if not refreshed and aligned to the vision. Hence, things are prone to damages.
A cover-up could not be an insturment on damage-control. It can delay the appearance of growing damages instead. Buying media for positive air time, headlines, opinions and editorial cannot control damages. Truth instead will set people free.
To ask for an excuse and correct a speaker or your boss duing a dialogue or conference can be an effective damage-control tool. To keep numb and just cry over a given direction or statement make the damages imprisoned within but never control damages as it will just grow time after time.
Courage, honesty, updated if not absolute truth can control damages!
Speak out!!!!!!!!! Control the damages!!!!!
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