In high school life, the word love is so sensitive. It usually is being misinterpreted as sex. Thus, love and sex are words crushed to the desires of adolescents.
There could be false love and/or true love. False love was the sexual mistake of the first and man and woman who fell. But that is not our main point this time.
There are cases, where mothers who got unwanted pregnancies are not that loving. These single mothers were unprepared and her pregnancy was unplanned, result of pre-marital acts, maybe from rapes, sexual adventures and the like. Hence, these single mothers not mature enough to value or care for her unplanned born baby. In Japan, baby hatch is a drop box in a hospital window, wehre mother can leave her new born baby if she decides to give up her own baby to others who like to adopt the baby. It may be a hospital system or program in that prefecture. But is also show how the Japanese mother value her own child, how she value life, how shallow or premature is her love to give life to her baby. These are facts and domino effects and results of the fall of man.
Of course, parents are both the father and the mother of the child. But obviously, the mother gives more to the baby since conception to the life-risk delivering of the birth of the baby, to lactating responsibility and all other maternal process. Father, aside from the sperm he offered to his wife, has other responsibilities of course but not that close or direct to the baby. He has a different role and responsibility in parenting care.
Ideally, when a baby is born, the immediate kind of love he experienced is the parental love. The mother who embraced him after he was being born, allowing him to suck his mother’s breast for milk even without seeing her yet as the baby still could not see at that stage. It is his instinct and feeling that he has a mother who cares and loves him.
Moreover, father and mother are partners in nursing the baby. If the father works to find a living, his salary maybe so limited that he finds way to tighten his blet from personal expenses so long as he can bring home something for his child/children. During the early days of the infant, the father too used to do the laundry for his baby and his wife as well, cooked the food for the family and clean the house and so on.
When the children grow up, the parents make sure that they have enough budget for the schooling and education of the children for their future. New clothes, bags, shoes and school needs become priorities. Parents sacrifice with their old clothes and limited simple food so long as their children can have something, go to school and prepare for their own future.
This is parental love. Parental love can be shared to others who wants to serve like what a parent does too.
Children’s love is filial piety. The loyalty, obedience, respect, attendance of the children to their parents is a kind of love that also needs to be nurtured starting from their young age up to and beyond his maturity.
I remember my classmate in high school before who observed me giving most of my time only to studies. “Why aim for 90% when 75% is a passing grade?” I meditate on that question by my classmate who teased me to join their fun and barkadahan.
I reflected on the sacrifices of my parents who have seven children going to school in college, high school and elementary those times. I can’t afford to risk my studies giving my time to my classmates while I knew the sacrifices of my parents working hard, tightening their belts, saving money if not borrowing or loaning money for our school fees. Because of these foundation, I and my siblings tried our best to fulfill thier dreams too by studying hard. I wrote a letter to my parents answering the question from my classmate why I aim for 90% when 75% was a passing grade already. It was my way of saying thank you to my parents whose sacrifices and hardwork, whose love and care to all of us were equated to their pains and difficulties. I still dont know what and how to call that attitude of a son towards parents. It was only a practice I did for them.
Children’s love can also be expressed towards, grandparents, aunties and uncles or even to teachers and elders. Like parental love, children’s love is more towards verticality between young ones and elders.
Siblings love is the love of the brothers and sisters between and/or among themselves. Sharing, helping, understanding, teamworking and the like are mores and norms. Extendedly, this kind of love can also be reflected towards friends, playmates, neighbors and classmates.
Social projects like colelcting bottle caps to raise funds to help anybody in need is also an example of siblings love. I remember last school year, the studnet council did the bottle cap collections where each cap is saleable to the recycling industries. Hence, a good fundraising for a good cause.
The last kind of love is the conjugal love. It is the love between the married husband nad wife. I said married as the couples are set to have the blessing of holy marriage and their relationship is God-centered. The husband is for the wife and the wife is for the husband. The two becomes one. Their family names is one. Their house and shelter is set as they are to go to their own home.
The husband’s love is for his wife. His income, his dream, his life is for his wife and family. In like manner, the wife’s lvoe is only for her husband, her dreams, her decisions, her house plan and all the rest has to be aligned to her husband’s. Hence, making a harmonius relationship in their home.
Moreover, their sexual life is exclusively for each other. The husband’s sexual organ is for her wife and vice versa. This conjugal love is exclusive between them as God set in His original plan. In this regard, only the conjugal love between hunband and wife could not be extended but exclusive for them only.
Incest, polygamy, adultery and other related sexual acts are sexual immoralities that go beyond the realm of conjugal love. These must be resolved by keeping the exclusiveness of conjugal love between the husband and wife and nothing more.
Parental love is the most precious love among the four kinds of love . Moreover, conjugal love is the most sensitive and exclusive love for a happy married couple.
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