After a big problem came to the life of man, man's lineage was shifted to the snake-evil domain called devil.
But the Origin of creations did not give up His Original Plan and man's purpose of life.
Man's failure was pronunced as death, meaning man's separation from God. Man's physical life and spiritual life were both shifted to Satan. Hence, salvation of man should also be both spiritual and physical in a sense.
Jesus coming was like parent's plan to bring his sick children to the doctor for restoration or the so called salvation. In a sense, God has been aiming to send the messiah or savior since Adam's era. But it takes 4000 biblical years from Adam to the time of Abraham to Moses to Jesus to make this salvation plan implemented. Why that long? Why too long for the doctor, the saviour to come and serve his mission to give salvation to man?
Noah built the ark long time before there was a flood. A time identity can be seen as the providence is not in a snap but have several conditions and pre-requisites to make a foundation. There is a time management in this sense.
Jesus physical life is meant to give a physical salvation, a true lineage of man centering on God. As he was not accepted by the Jewish people, his physical life was at risk. As he was crucified, his body could not give physical salvation nor be a start of a new lineage of man but his soul separated in his time of death. His spirit made a spiritual salvation to Christian followers.
Nevertheless, we still see many crimes and sinfullness in history and today. Why? These are proofs of the absence of complete salvation. Man has a portion of responsibility to fulfill as salvation is not a spoon-fed providence of salvation.
Looking at the Philippine scenario in today's era, Philippines is in a crucial time identity in the providence. JDV and GMA are in political war. Villar is facing many presidentiables for 2010. And this latest, Fr. Among Ed Panlilio, a Catholic priest on-leave or suspended to do his priestly duties and the concurrent governor of Pampanga is aiming to lead as convenor for 2010 presidential candidate if not he himself will run.
Why a priest? Among Ed is a typical example of a non-traditional politician in his way of leading Pampanga as the current governor there. He is opposed by the legislative and other oppositionists but he prevails. His first months of collections in the quarry projects served as good evidence of the failure and corruption of past leaders. Bro. Eddie Velarde's ambition too is also another mushroom from the religious figure to political figures.
The separation of church and state in the constitution is now seemingly a non-binding article. But if we look at this closely, there is an obvious reason why politics is challenged by church figures this time.
Church is more aligned to moral, ethical and spiritual gears. It is a strong sign that the political figures now are weak in these areas. This can be true as corruption and many other accusations are thrown to the current political and government leaders.
The 2010 national election will bring a new horizon of leadership to Philippines. Next to 2010 is the local election again on 2013. And it is the due date of Rev. and Father Sun Myung Moon in his providential time to have the Chun Il Guek or CIG be established. Philippines has so much things to prepare from 2010 for the national election and the 2013 local elction where government leaders are seen to have a big role in declaring the CIG of Rev. SMM.
Shall we give a look into this scenario?
Perhaps, the local and regional centers, the tribal leaders as well, can do something too if they align all their programs and projects to this par. Is it time to field local candidates and give a hand to government authority from our own breed by now?
Whatever is the vision of the local or regional center, I strongly suggest that this be given a look as UM Philippines is so crazy focusing to GPF rallies leaving no educational curriculum to the local leadership nor a clear program to every center to keep and maintain the momentum of their every rally. Budget is so big in every GPF move, yet, no local government has fully embraced CIG and the like.
The local centers and tribal leaders need to make a consensus as early as possible for the greater good of the providence in their areas.
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