Thank you my dear friends for your visit and readings! I am happy to say that some freshmen in this lectures and men and women are learning the universal principles through this posting of my lectures based from Unification Principles, philosopies, worldviews and rich experiences. They raised their questions and made clarifications though YM with me too.
One question was: How about those who have commited sexual sins? Are they dead and no more chance to be back or to live with God? Another one was a case: A husband made a sexual affair with another woman and later talked with his wife about it. The wife simply accepted her husband and was not angry. No fight or quarrel between them. Was there a sin committed by a husband?
In the news recently, child abuses made by the Catholic priests cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, a lot of money from the churchgoers. Are the sexually abusive priests and other religious clerics dead or alive in the eyes of God?
The government offered advises and orientations to immigrant workers (OFW) on safe sex. The government is fully aware on the sexual activities of the immigrants outside and far from their families. That is immorality. Yet they only offer the advises of using condoms and other safe sex measures. Are there no preventions on immoralities but mere prevention on acquiring HIV and other sexual diseases that the government would do to their taxpayers?
God is love. It is from His love that life exist, the world, man and the rest of living creations.
But man's separation from God when the first man and woman disobeyed the commandment not to eat nor touch the forbidden fruit, made man's lineage shifted to tha false lineage, Hence man is dead in the lineage of God. But God's plan is absolute. God wants to restore his creations back to his oiginal plan. Hence there was a providential stage by stage restoration of humanity. We can see and trace that along the lines of history.
Going to the questions, man who committed sexual sins are "dead" in the lineage of God. But man can repent of his mistake, confess to God and His representative in the providence and offer indemnity conditions to make up his faith and oneness with God. This will be further elaborated in the Principle of restoration. In the law of commerce, damages or anything lost along the way in the business should be indemnified. Just like on guaranteed products. Payment for what was lost or damaged is called indemnity. If man has damaged the lineage as planned by the Creator, then, man should pay for that. In a sense, man who committed the sexual sins, should offer indemnity conditions for them to be engrafted back to God first by establishing again their faith to Him through their offerings, prayers of repentance and forgiveness of their sins.
We can remember the story of the adulterous woman caught in the act by the Jewish people in the gospel. They brought her to the teacher Jesus and asked him on what to do with the woman. As if the Jewish people was also testing Jesus that time if he was for the Jewish law to stone to death anybody caught in adulterous act. After a moment of reflecting Jesus replied and said that who ever is pure and have not committed any sin can throw the first stone to the adulterous woman. There was silence. And after a while, stones from the hands of the angry Jewish people began to drop to the ground and they disappeared. The woman was shaking on the ground looking to her possible death. In her mind was the repentance and a looking for a chance to surive. When all the Jewish people left, Jesus said to the woman, " Stand! Go and sin no more."
The heart of forgiveness is love. Parent of mankind has that love. But man as sinful children should do his part to repent and pray for another chance to live with Him.
The case of the wife who after hearing or knowing that her husband committed a sexual sin but simply accepted her husbnad back to their family is analytical. It can be possible that the wife has not valued much the morality and fidelity. Wife should know the consequence of sexual sin. It is death from God's lineage. It menas that her children too will no longer be in the lineage of God i f the father has fallen. It maybe that the wife was so forgiving as well. But forgiveness is not enough. There should be payment of what was lost, or else, the sin could be repeated by the husband having a precedent that his wife could simply accept him. Jesus didnot say no stoning. He said, "whoever have not committed the sin can throw hte first stone." In a sense, there should be indemnity by the person. Stand! Go and sin no more. Man should stand up again an sin no more; meaning after the fall, man should make a new beginning and be one with God.
Sexually abusive priests are men. Their bodies was designed by God just like ordinary man. They also have the instinct of having sexual desires. Yet, in their modern vows, they are made to pledge to keep their chastity as a condtion of their faith and marriage to the central figure of the church.
In a principle point of view, chastity is a condition to pay the lost life due to the fall of man. But that is only a symbolic condition to keep their faith. Once the faith has reconnected man to God, then action and substantialization of faith is necessary. Faith without action id dead as said in the gospel. In a sense, chastity after a period of time should have made the purification of man and open a new door for man to be blessed to multiply God's lineage by having children of goodness and righteousness.
Priests may have spent a long time of purification in their chastity. They too should be blessed to have the lineage of God, substantiated to and by having their own children. Hence, their sexual desires is just normal and should be addressed by the church by allowing them to be blessed with a spouse. The church has no solution on this child abuse by the clerics. Money of the churchgoers are shifted for settlement and fines. That is not an absolute solution on the sexual needs of the clerics as man. Marry and bless priests, now! This was the cry of Archibishop Milingo.
The government has several agencies to address immorality. Education, Social Welfare, PCGG and the like. Even each insitution has its local policies to keep a standard form of morality in their insitution. Legislators too are trying to bridge the church policies in their deliberations and passing of the bills like the reproduction bills, abortion cases and so on.
But there is no clear program in the government to address the pain of sexual sins. Life imprisonment for rapes does not stop man to rape. Teaching immigrnats to use condoms and other safe sex measures do not solve sexual immorality but even sides the growing family breakdwowns among OFWs as mentioned by the Episcopal Commission for Migrants Workers of CBPC. A new expression of Truth should heal this ancestral wound of sexual sins.
Truth usually hurts. Like a medical surgery, there is pain on the process and healing period. Scars even remained. In like manner, Truth is painful but it does not mean to hurt but to offer a solution, to make a change from sinfulness to righteousness. As Fr. Jerry Orbos said, "There are times when love hurts, must hurt, if only to bring forth greater love".
Love, live and the lineage of God should be kept by man!
(This article is wirtten by Dr. Cadano. To use or copy this needs permission from him. Comments and questions are welcome for healthy discussion.)
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