(Dr. Celso Talaba of UTS-Asia)
The Filipino-Japanese Blessed Community based in Japan which is regionalized into two groups headed by Mr Reuben Cruz based in Tokyo and Mr. Jess Mariano based in Mie ken, was called and applauded for their moral and substantial contributions to the several national and international events like the recent GPF 2007 held in Manila Hotel. Claps, praises, certificate of recognition are expressed by the members and leaders who were gathered for their first day of national meeting for their re-evaluation meeting and planning for GPF 2008. Mr. Arthur Silong of Fil-Jap Blessed Community who was also arround represented the group to recieve the award.
Taft Center which is lead by the Regional Director Rencel Lacayno was called and recognized on their splended witnessing performance which enable to gather more than 10,000 studnets during the Coastal Cleaning in Manila Bay and the GPF Main event Rally. It was a great move when they have witnessed and channeled thru the magnanimous Dr. Labugen of NSTP and bring the vast number of students to the event. Regional Director Rencel Laycano of Taft Center received the award.
Dr. Celso Talaba in his leadership and administration of UTS-Asia was also cited as Achiever in Executive Leader category.
Ms. Grace Mayo of Northern Mindanao in her leadership of the cluster of Cagayan de Oro, Butuan and Iligan City.
Mrs. Ria Ame was cited due to her effective and hardworking services as secretary-general to the Natioonal Leader. She made and maintained her network of communication with national leaders around the world, the UPF, New York, USA and other international communication works.
Mr. Felomino Joshua Josol was cited as one of the Outstanding Achievers in his services as Itenirary Worker (IW). He is now designated as the IW for Northern Luzon.
In the member category, UM Philippines cited one member as Outstanding Achiever of the Year aside that this person was recognized in the North-western Luzon Cluster as Outstanding Blessed couple during the Day of the Victory of Love celebration in Tanay last January 2, 2008. This Outstanding Achiever of the Year member category is no other than Peace Ambassador Felix Sanchez of the Fil Vision Trading of Bauang, La Union. He together with his wife Augie has been doing witnessing, sposoring series of seminars for the teachers and students in DepEd, faculty members from private and state collges and unversities, and his tribe and community as well. MOreover, he extends his missionary work to Tagudin and Abra by supporting the Medical-dental Service and Gift-Giving Programs in the northern Ilocos area which is headed by Sergio and Alma Degamo. Mr. Sanchez with the Fil Vision Trading also substantiate their support to La Union Center by financing the rental of the center and frequent travel of the students and members to Manila, Tanay and the like for their attendance to national and international events. Above and beyond his are and region, Mr. Sanchez helped too in planning and desgining the construction of some parts of Tanay Training Center and the planing of the renovation of the delapidated UM Headquarters.
Moreover, In Southern Mindanao cluster, another blessed member, Mr. Raul Caballero also an elected town councilor in the Municipality of Nabunturan was cited and recognized as Outstanding Achiever in Southern Mindanao as for his dedication and commitment in augmenting the providence in the area. His substantial and financial support for the regional events aside from lending his transportaion services during hte mobilization and campaign are big help for the movement during their Peace Campaign last year and the past.
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