What is existing can be seen. Once there is a bright light, and a tool to use, there can be a reflection to see the existing object. Just like an x-ray or a photo, the theory of reflection is used to generate a good proof of the existence of a sickness or an object.
In terms of achievements, education used a standardized test to evalaute the students on their achieved learning skills. The standardized test is a teacher-made tool with the help of a good psychometricians and statisticians to measure the skills achieved by the learners/students. It is an evaluation in a sense that teachers can surely measure on how far the students have gone on the objectives made from the very start of learning-and-teaching process.
In some institutions, there are awards, recognitions or citation given to some individuals, groups if not orgnization for certain purposes. Film festival is a common example on this. But evaluation may not be directly seen if it really evaluate the entire movies and the film industry or it just merely goes on with sensationalism or commercialism based on the result of the market of such.
Recently, some individuals, volunteers, leaders of the UM Philippines received recognition during the God's Day and Day of Victory of Love celebration as outstanding members or leaders after the whole year of serving doing their tasks as members of the movement. Some were happy, and some who didn't receive have some questions in their mind. You cannot please everyone. However, after four days of the award-giving ceremony, another award-giving was done by the same organization. It seemed that the previous recognition has not done a full or complete evaluation during the whole year on the general members of the movement before the first awarding ceremony . Another evaluation perhaps by another body may have been done to recognize some more of the members.
If one use a mirror to check his whole body, s mall mirror cannot do it itself. Moreover, if not a bright light is on, even if a bigger mirror is used, not a clear picture can be reflected on the mirror.
In a school there is a need of going back to the vision, mission goals and objectives of the institution and the target skills of the students to do an evaluation after the implementation of the academic program. Usually, after the school year, the school always do the evaluation. Companies and business corporation always do such thing. And it is the year-end bonus that makes everyone happy as the company gave these bonuses when they see a good income after the end of the year.
The evaluation team should not forget the general membership. The team to evaluate must know the entirety of the goals of every contributing department and unit aside from the general membership. And before the evaluation, they should define first the set of recognition and awards that they are to bestow to anybody. Even the worst student in the class needs to be evaluated by the teacehr/s and not to spare anybody.
In an ordinary class, teacher evalutate and recognize student/s who answer a question correctly, partially or wrongly. Teacher's way of saying "good, very good, you have an idea but you need to read the whole story in the book", and other motivating words help a lot the students. But teachers do not necessarily give ribbons or medals everyday to their students. So also in any organization.
Institutions need to know their goals and general members and make a wholesome evaluation before the set day of recognition. Members and students need not expect colorful recognition but focus on their target learning skills, goals and responsibilities.
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